Huvudbild för Vitalis 2021











Profilbild för Central flygledartorn eller kopplat till vårdcentralen/kliniken
Profilbild för Vad krävs det för att Sverige ska införa egenmonitorering på bred front?
Profilbild för 1177 Vårdguiden i pandemin

1177 Vårdguiden i pandemin

Andreas Leifsson, Sofie Zetterström
Covid19, Svenska, Healthcare Services, Pre-recorded, Standard 25 min (incl Q&A), Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Follow-up/Report of current status,

Profilbild för Acorai


HealthTech Award, English, Remote Health Care, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Innovation/research

Profilbild för AI/ML – Hype, hypoteser och verkligheter

AI/ML – Hype, hypoteser och verkligheter

Per-Ola Carlsson
Datadriven vård och omsorgsförbättring, Svenska, AI, Pre-recorded, Standard 25 min (incl Q&A), Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Patient centration, Innovation/research, Usability

Profilbild för  AI - vårdtjänst

AI - vårdtjänst

Erica Bonns, Gudrun Greim
Datadriven vård och omsorgsförbättring, Svenska, AI, Pre-recorded, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Researchers, Healthcare professionals, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Innovation/research, Patient safety

Profilbild för Analysing Patients’ Descriptions with Artificial Intelligence Increases the Diagnostic Accuracy of Mental Health Problems

Analysing Patients’ Descriptions with Artificial Intelligence Increases the Diagnostic Accuracy of Mental Health Problems

Katarina Kjell, Oscar Kjell
Digital psykologi, Svenska, AI, Pre-recorded, Standard 25 min (incl Q&A), Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Education (verification), Welfare development,, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status,, Test/validation

Profilbild för Anonymized Screen Capture Recordings as a Tool for Optimizing Clinicians’ Workflows

Anonymized Screen Capture Recordings as a Tool for Optimizing Clinicians’ Workflows

Janne Pitkänen, Petri Mannonen
Framtidens omsorg och vård, English, Implementation, Pre-recorded, Standard 25 min (incl Q&A), Tools for implementation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Management, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status,, Test/validation, Patient safety, Information security, Usability

Profilbild för Arthrilab
Profilbild för Att utveckla en digital tjänst för fysisk rehabilitering och habilitering

Att utveckla en digital tjänst för fysisk rehabilitering och habilitering

Ann-Sophie Gustafsson, Martin Larsson, Tobias Norén Hallin
Rehabilitering, Svenska, Future Health and Social Care, Pre-recorded, Standard 25 min (incl Q&A), Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Welfare development,, Patient centration, Municipality, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status,, Apps