The use of artificial intelligence in mental health to support decision making Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 11:00 - 11:30 F1
Föreläsare: Hassan Auf, Jens Nygren, Lina Lundgren, Monika Nair, Petra Svedberg
Spår: AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used to support decision making in the mental health domain for both healthcare professionals and patients on different levels in the healthcare systems and self-care services. AI has been included in several health applications such as predicting mental health problems, diagnostics, treatment plans, workflows, and other duties that require decision support. Understanding the use of AI tools and how it is applied for support decision making in the mental health would contribute in improving the design, development and implementation in practice. Further knowledge will also help benefit shaping person-centered care approaches when using AI tools by understanding the dynamics used nowadays in support decision making and how to include patients in the development of future processes and tools,
It is unclear what types of decisions that AI tools most commonly participate in supporting in mental health, how these tools are applied, and whether its implementation is engaging patients in the process of decision making or not, this uncertainty may contribute in shifting the decision- making process towards more technology polarization and far from patient centeredness. Therefore, a scoping review is conducted to map the characteristics of research done on AI tools for supporting decision making in the mental health field to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding how decisions are supported. In the proposed lecture we will present our findings regarding the use of AI in mental health and reflections on support decision making.
This study aims to explore the use of AI tools for supporting decision making in relation to mental health, regarding how it has been researched, applied, and implemented.
To address our aim, we formulated three research questions.
- What are the characteristics of research on AI based decision support systems in relation to mental health (ranging from mental health problems to mental illnesses)?
- What types of technologies, decisions, actors (including shared decision-making) and application of AI tools are described?
- How were the AI tools implemented in practice, and what characteristics of the implementation process are discernible?
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Verktyg för implementering
Hassan Auf Föreläsare
PhD student
Halmstad University
My research interests is about the implementation of digital and artificial intelligence technologies in mental health. I worked previously in different fields related to Health, Design and Development, and I see the great need for more integration of technology in health to scale up benefits, but not just that it is also about how to integrate the technology to not cause harmful side effects.
Jens Nygren Föreläsare
Halmstad University
Jens Nygren är disputerad i medicinsk vetenskap och professor i hälsoinnovation vid Högskolan i Halmstad. Hans forskning fokuserar på förändringsarbete i relation till människors hälsa och hälso- och sjukvårdens verksamhet och organisation. Forskningen är huvudsakligen interventions baserad med stöd av digitala innovationer utvecklade i samverkan med slutanvändare och intressenter från offentlig sektor och näringsliv.
Lina Lundgren Föreläsare
Halmstad University
Researcher at Halmstad University and working in a large group of researchers on Information driven care. My interests are in multi disciplinary projects to improve healthcare, incorporating different aspects of the innovation process, from finding needs, to implementation of new technologies.
Monika Nair Föreläsare
Post-doctoral researcher
Halmstad University
My research interests are how the artificial intelligence based technologies could be implemented in the healthcare systems safely, effectively, and sustainably.
Petra Svedberg Föreläsare
School of Health and Welfare, Halmstad University, Sweden