Understanding System Coordination As An Enabler of One Digital Health Har passerat
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 08:30 - 09:45 G4
Föreläsare: Craig Kuziemsky, Laurie Novak, Shilo Anders, Linda Peute
Spår: MIE: Societal aspects
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Craig Kuziemsky, Shilo Anders, Linda Peute, Laurie Novak
Craig Kuziemsky Föreläsare
Associate Vice-President, Research
MacEwan University
Dr. Craig Kuziemsky, PhD, is Associate Vice President Research and Vice-Provost at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta. He is an experienced teacher, researcher, and administrator. He has developed and taught undergraduate and graduate courses and has an extensive record of student supervision at all levels. Dr. Kuziemsky is a prolific researcher whose research focuses on developing innovative approaches for modeling collaborative healthcare delivery to better design information and communication technology (ICT) to support different contexts of collaborative health delivery.
Laurie Novak Föreläsare
Associate Professor
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Anthropologist on the faculty of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
Shilo Anders Föreläsare
Linda Peute Föreläsare
director and senior Researcher eHealth Living& Learning Lab Amsterdam UMC
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Linda Peute Leads the eHealth Living&Learning Lab of the Amsterdam UMC and is a User Experience and human factor researcher within the field of Medical Informatics Her research focuses on assessing the value of human factor engineering methods such as user testing and expert evaluation methods in the design and evaluation of Health information Technology (HIT) as key to succesful design of HIT. She is specialized in research and education into cognitive, human-machine and socio-technological factors that may influence the usability, acceptance and successful implementation of interactive healthcare technologies.