Digital health apps under the umbrella of the Nordic Welfare Model Har passerat
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 13:45 - 14:05 F5
Föreläsare: Anders Tunold-Hanssen, Rasmus Malmborg
“The Nordic Welfare Model is not sustainable!”, they said, ”Too much focus on healthcare and too little on preventative care will break the system going forward. We need to get the citizens more involved, not only in the care process but also in preventative care. The question is just – how?”
This dialogue could have been a script from the NordicHealth2030-report published in 2019, stating one of the major challenges addressed in this report. How to make a shift from a traditional “sick care” focused approach to a more “preventative care” approach, and how to get the citizens involved and become “active” resources in the welfare model and not just “passive” recipients of care?
Increased use of Digital health apps could be - and can be - a large part of the answer to this problem but then we have to have a systematic approach for the evaluation, distribution and activation of safe health apps, - not only for a care process but also for preventative care.
Since 2019, the Nordic Interoperability Project/N!P has addressed this issue on a Nordic-wide level and initiated the “fast track” project to help harmonize a common way of evaluating, distributing and activating digital health apps in the region, now named NordDEC (www.norddec.org).
Anders Tunold-Hanssen Föreläsare
N!P/Nordic Interoperability Project
N!P/Nordic Interoperability Project is an industry-initiated greater good initiative to support and address the ambitions of the Nordic Council of Ministers - to make the Nordics the most integrated health region in the world by 2030! One of the initiatives N!P has led is NordDEC, a systematic approach to a harmonized system for the evaluation, distribution and activation of digital health in the Nordics.
Rasmus Malmborg Föreläsare
Senior Advisor - Head of Program (Life Science & Health Tech)
Nordic Innovation
Nordic Innovation is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers and in the Life Science & Health Tech program.
The program has a main focus on the possibilities for innovation that are imbedded in the Nordic health data, the need to share the data for the benefit of the citizens, the health care systems and companies across the Nordics. Three key projects will be presented; ethical use of AI on Nordic Patient records, the Innovation capacity in Nordic patient records and the Nordic digital health and medication platform that is a system for a common Nordic accreditation system for health apps and digital health solutions in addition to making a common Nordic market for these solutions.