Enriching Remote Monitoring and Care Platforms with Personalized Recommendations to Enhance Gamification and Coaching Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 17:00 - 17:15 G1
Föreläsare: Ilias Maglogiannis, Parisis Gallos
Spår: MIE: Health information systems
Patients' remote monitoring platforms can be enhanced with intelligent recommendations and gamification functionalities to support their adherence to care plans. The current paper aims to present a methodology for creating personalized recommendations, which can be used to improve patient remote monitoring and care platforms. The current pilot system design is aimed to support patients by providing recommendations for Sleep, Physical Activity, BMI, Blood sugar, Mental Health, Heart Health, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease aspects. The users, through the application, can select the types of recommendations they are interested in. Thus, personalized recommendations based on data obtained by the patients’ records anticipated to be a valuable and a safe approach for patient coaching. The paper discusses the main technical details and provides some initial results.
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Antonios Pardos, Parisis Gallos, Andreas Menychtas, Christos Panagopoulos, Ilias Maglogiannis
Ilias Maglogiannis Föreläsare
Dean at the School of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of the University of Piraeus
University of Piraeus
Dr. Ilias Maglogiannis is Professor in the Dept of Digital Systems in the University of Piraeus and Director of Computational Biomedicine Lab (www.cbml.ds.unipi.gr). He received a Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece. He was Faculty in the Dept of Information and Communication Systems Engineering in Univ. of the Aegean and the Dept of Biomedical Informatics in the Univ. of Thessaly. In 2013 he joined University of Piraeus. He has been principal investigator in many European (i.e. H2020: PolicyCloud, GATEKEEPER, CROWDHEALTH, AGILE, UNCAP, FP7: e-LICO, INHOME, FP6: UNITE, NOMAD, TELEMED, FP5: MOMEDA, INTRACLINIC) and National Research programs, while he has also served as external evaluator in R&D projects for the EU, the Government of Hong Kong, France, Portugal, Czech, Cyprus and Greece. His scientific interests include Biomedical Informatics, Machine Leraning and Computer Vision, Multimedia Processing and Pervasive Healthcare Systems. His published scientific work includes three (3) books (Springer, IOS press and Morgan Claypool Publishers), 130 journal papers and more than 200 international conference papers. Dr. Maglogiannis has received more than 8300 citations on his published work (h-index = 42). He served as Associate Editor for the Journals IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare and he is editorial board member of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Healthcare Engineering and Intelligent Decision Technologies. He has also served as guest editor in 8 international journals (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Oncology Reports, Simulation, Applied Intelligence, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Journal Universal Access in the Information Society, Neurocomputing, Evolving Systems). Dr. Maglogiannis is a Senior member of IEEE, SPIE, ACM etc and served also as affiliated faculty in the CS Dept Univ. of Texas at Arlington USA. Dr. Maglogiannis is also since 2014 president of IFIP Working Group WG12.5 (AI Applications) and Vice Chair of IEEE EMBS Greek chapter. Finally, he is elected as fellow member of EAMBES, European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering Sciences (http://eambes.org/) and he is included in the list of the leading scientists in Computer Science in Greece according to the Research organization https://research.com/scientists-rankings/computer-science/gr.