A remote monitoring platform for the management of lower limb vascular diseases Har passerat
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 15:00 - 15:05 G4
Föreläsare: Alberto Freitas, Julio Souza
Spår: MIE: Sensors, signals and Imaging Informatics
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Julio Souza, Ana Vieira, Luis Conceição, Rafael Martins, Daniel Rodrigues, Gustavo Corrente, William Xavier, Sérgio Sampaio, Goreti Marreiros, Alberto Freitas
Alberto Freitas Föreläsare
Assistant Professor
MEDCIDS, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. Porto
Alberto Freitas is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is member of the research unit CINTESIS (cintesis.eu), with the coordination of the 2D4H group (Secondary Data for Healthcare Research), and has been involved in projects in several areas of health data science, including health information systems, data quality, intelligent data analysis, performance and quality indicators, coding and audit. He has lectured several disciplines on Biostatistics, Hospital Management, and Medical Informatics of pre- and post-graduation courses.
Julio Souza Föreläsare
Postdoctoral researcher
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Julio Souza is a PhD Junior researcher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is currently holding a postdoctoral position within the European project entitled "Inno4health - Stimulate continuous monitoring in personal and physical health", approved under ITEA3. Research interests include data science applied to health research, clinical coding and data quality.