The Future of Online Video Consultations in Primary Care – a qualitative study Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 16:00 - 16:15 G2
Föreläsare: Maria Hägglund
Spår: MIE: Telehealth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the use of remote services such as video consultations (VCs). In Sweden, private healthcare providers offering VCs have grown substantially since 2016 and have been controversial. Few studies have focused on physicians’ experiences of providing care in this context. Our overall aim was to study physicians’ experiences of VCs, here focusing on their suggestions for future improvements. Twenty-two semi-structured interviews were performed with physicians working for an online healthcare provider in Sweden, and analyzed through inductive content analysis. Two themes emerged related to desired future improvements of VCs; blended care and technical innovation.
Enbart på plats
Maria Hägglund, Nadia Davoody, Anna Kristensson Ekwall, Nasim Farrokhnia
Maria Hägglund FöreläsareArrangör
Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer
Uppsala University
Maria Hägglund is an associate professor in health informatics and a senior lecturer in implementation science at Uppsala MedTech Science & Innovation Centre. 2019/2020 she was a Keane OpenNotes Scholar and a visiting Lecturer on Medicine at Harvard Medical School. As a member of the DOME research consortium, she has explored the impact of patients’ access to their electronic health records (including notes) through the national Swedish patient portal. She is the chair of the EFMI working group on Citizen Health Data, and chair of the MIE2023 Scientific Program Committee.