How AI is transforming patient outcomes in Healthcare Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:30 - 16:00 F1
Talare: James Norman
Spår: AI
Why is AI proving more of a challenge in Healthcare than other industries? AI has been promoted as the saviour of medicine yet has failed to make the difference many predicted. Here in this presentation we will explore how AI has changed the potential for healthcare and the barriers that are still faced.
Content will cover:
1. What do we mean by AI in healthcare?
2. Hype vs reality
3. Where has AI succeeded and why
4. Future opportunities for AI in healthcare
5. The sustainability challenge and its impact on AI
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James Norman Talare
EMEA Health & Life Science Solutions Director
Pure Storage
James Norman is the EMEA Health and Life Science Solutions Director at Pure Storage, enabling the organisation to better understand and meet the needs of Health, Life Science, Social Care and Pharmaceutical organisations. A world respected figure in change management and IT transformation, James has more than 30 years’ experience within the health sector, having held several senior positions within finance, performance, operations and IMT. James joined Pure Storage in 2022 following 8 years in similar senior roles across industry, having previously worked in the UK National Health Service for over 24 years.
James has led multiple major public sector transformation programmes and published several papers on the potential of Technology to enable organisational transformation and enhance public services. He was appointed as an external advisor to Her Majesty’s Treasury in 2015, sitting on the Comprehensive Spending Review board. In 2016, James was named as one of the top 50 data leaders in the UK by Information Age, for his thought leadership on digital transformation. He sits on the Health and Social Care Council within TechUK, two health advisory panels and established the All4Health&Care (previously Tech4CV19) community to help frontline Organisations and Tech companies come together in the fight against COVID 19.
James is proud to have spent most of his professional career within the NHS and is passionate about supporting healthcare organisations achieve their transformation goals. He encourages organisations to think in terms of outcomes rather than technology and to develop a collaborative mindset to service improvement and change.
In recognition of his work, he was named EHI Healthcare IT champion of the year in 2011 and Thought leader of the year in 2013. James is a graduate of Liverpool John Moore’s University, with a BSc (Hons) in Technology Management and holds a Post Grad in Leadership for Health Service Improvement from Birmingham University Health Service Management Centre.