A platform promoting inter-physician interaction to support the management of adverse drug reactions for CLL patients
Poster Area
Föreläsare: Panos Bonotis, Pantelis Natsiavas
Spår: MIE: Posters
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most prevalent adult leukemia and typically occurs in adults with a median age of 72. Currently, treating CLL does not lead to a complete cure, hence a key goal in patient care has been improving patients’ quality of life (QoL). CLL treatment and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) impact the physical and emotional patient status, resulting in anxiety, depression, and/or fear of death. They also significantly impact patient therapy adherence and can lead to treatment stops, sometimes even without discussion with their physician. Along these lines, we propose a platform that aims at supporting the management of CLL ADRs, emphasizing on peer-to-peer (P2P) communication between physicians and a specialized ADR “support” team. The main goals of the platform can be summarized as follows: (a) support regarding the management of ADRs during everyday clinical practice, (b) communication of best practices based on real-world experience, and (c) assessment of the impact of the ADRs and CLL treatment as a whole on patient’s QoL. To ensure acceptance, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are engaged in the various stages of the design and development of such a platform. The proposed technical solution will consist of three modules, i.e., the Private Communication Channel (PCC), the Public Forum (PF), and the Analytics Module (AM). The PCC enables direct and private communication between the physicians and the support team (ST). A Ticket Manager (TM) is notified as soon as a support “ticket” is created and he/she coordinates ST’s response to the specific ticket. The PF enables the publication of case studies and relevant guidelines by the ST and online discussion functionalities. The AM enables the monitoring of the platform’s use and the identification of important ADRs/DDIs and relevant trends.
We believe that such a digital approach for CLL patient management could be significantly improved by eHealth interventions, emphasizing on ADR management.
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Forskare (även studerande)
Panos Bonotis, Pantelis Natsiavas
Panos Bonotis Föreläsare
Research and Development Associate, PhD Candidate
Institute of Applied Biosciences, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas
Informatics & Telecommunications Engineer.
Ph.D. Student in UX Engineering in eHealth.
UX Enthusiast
Currently working as Research Associate Usability Engineer and Software Engineer at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB/CERTH) at Thessaloniki on national Greece-funded and EU-funded projects.
Involved in plenty voluntary actions
Pantelis Natsiavas Föreläsare
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
I am a researcher at the Institute of Applied Biosciences, heading the eHealth Lab. I am an Engineer by background, with experience in Software Engineering both in industry and research. My personal research interest has to do with the use of computational approaches to support drug safety.