Enhancing inclusive mHealth design for people living with dementia: examples from literature Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 08:30 - 08:45 G3
Föreläsare: Linda Peute, Thomas Engelsma
Spår: MIE: Human Factors and organizational issues
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Thomas Engelsma, Monique Jaspers, Linda Peute
Linda Peute Föreläsare
director and senior Researcher eHealth Living& Learning Lab Amsterdam UMC
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Linda Peute Leads the eHealth Living&Learning Lab of the Amsterdam UMC and is a User Experience and human factor researcher within the field of Medical Informatics Her research focuses on assessing the value of human factor engineering methods such as user testing and expert evaluation methods in the design and evaluation of Health information Technology (HIT) as key to succesful design of HIT. She is specialized in research and education into cognitive, human-machine and socio-technological factors that may influence the usability, acceptance and successful implementation of interactive healthcare technologies.
Thomas Engelsma Föreläsare
Assistant Professor in Medical Informatics
Amsterdam UMC
enhancing inclusive mHealth design for people living with dementia, design guideline development, design thinking, medical informatics education