Nordic harmonization of health data Har passerat
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 10:30 - 11:00 F1
Föreläsare: Mikael Rinnetmäki
Spår: Informatik/semantik
The international HL7 FHIR specification does a great job in specifying the international consensus over how health data should be shared through modern standards. However, the international base specification leaves many things open and to be further specified on a local level or for a specific domain.
Norway, Denmark, and Sweden have all already published national FHIR base profiles through their HL7 affiliates. Finland is right now in the process of creating and publishing their first version of the base profiles definition. In this initiative, we take a look at all of the Nordic base profile specifications.
The healthcare systems of all the Nordic countries are very similar. Having a common FHIR base profile specification would help sharing help data across Nordic countries. It would also help apps and systems developed in one of the countries to be adopted in others.
There is a new initiative started within the Nordics on FHIR community to create a common Nordic FHIR base profile. The initiative is currently being led by Finland, as the project implementing the Finnish FHIR base profiles analyzes the Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish base profiles as input to their own work.
In the session we present the findings accumulated this far: how different the base profiles are, which areas would be the first low-hanging fruits to start the harmonization work. We will also call relevant parties to join the effort.
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Mikael Rinnetmäki Föreläsare
Founder, Sensotrend Oy FHIR Ambassador,
HL7 Finland
I search for sustainable business models for digital health solutions as the founder of diabetes startup Sensotrend, advance interoperability between healthcare IT systems as the FHIR ambassador of HL7 Finland, advocate for patients’ access to high quality treatment as the chair of the Regional Network of Diabetes Associations in Pirkanmaa, and seek to advance the adoption of new technologies for diabetes treatment as the vice chairman of the Diabetes Unit of Sailab MedTech Finland. I live with type 1 diabetes and hold a M.Sc. in computer science.
Sensotrend makes life with diabetes easier by visualizing data and deriving actionable insights from dozens of medical devices and wellness trackers and facilitating sharing the information with healthcare professionals and peers. Sensotrend is one of the first health related use cases in the Gaia-X network, a winner of the Fair Health Data Challenge by the Finnish innovation fund Sitra, and a founding member of the MyData Global organization.