Validation rules as first step for Data Quality: Pharmacovigilance Application in Portugal
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Föreläsare: Bárbara Costa
Spår: MIE: Posters
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Bárbara Costa, Bruno Figueiredo, Vera Pinheiro
Bárbara Costa Föreläsare
PhD Student
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
I am a highly motivated researcher with a background in Biology and Clinical and Forensic Analytical Toxicology. Over the years, I have developed a strong interest in the field of population studies and pharmacometrics, which has driven my professional pursuits.
Currently, I am a doctoral candidate in the Health Data Science program at FMUP, where I am eager to expand my knowledge of experimental and clinical data analysis to improve health outcomes and decision-making processes related to pharmacometrics.
Overall, my experiences have enabled me to gain a broad perspective on the field of medical informatics and its related disciplines, making me a passionate and versatile researcher. I am excited about the opportunity to engage with you all and exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge in the upcoming EFMI MIE Congress.