Digital citizen services, digital health literacy and more relevant health information to drive patient engagement Har passerat
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 10:15 - 11:45 G4
Föreläsare: Anne Moen, Lene Lunde, Petter Hurlen, Sigurd Maurud
Spår: MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation
It is an obvious paradox that we as citizens, present in all clinical health encounters, lack tools to take full advantage of ongoing digital transformation in health care. In this panel we will discuss user needs and design of digital tool to improve access to personally relevant health information from trusted sources. Of special interest is adherence to treatment. The attendees can learn about opportunities to “collect, curate and control” relevant, personal health information, and digital services for personal health data and access trustworthy, up-to-date information that better meet situated, everyday needs.
Enbart på plats
Anne Moen, Sigurd Maurud, Lene Lunde, Petter Hurlen, Randi Opheim
Anne Moen Föreläsare
Professor, Coordinator Gravitate-Health
University of Oslo
I am professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. My program of research seeks to better understand digital citizens centered services, based on opportunities to “collect, curate and control” all relevant, personal health information. I am the Coordinator of “Gravitate – Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information from trusted sources for active, safe, secure personal health management and adherence to treatment” which is an Innovation Medicine Initiative Public-Private Partnership (project 945334, IMI2 JU, 2020-2025). Gravitate-Health’s mission is to prepare and test innovative, easy-to-use elegant digital services that actively engage and empower citizens and their support network with access to and understanding of health information from trusted sources. More information is available at www.gravitatehealth.eu
Lene Lunde Föreläsare
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Oslo
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oslo. My areas of research are digital health, interprofessional collaboration, medical education, simulation. Common to many of the projects I have been involved in is the use of technology and digital media as a platform for new learning and education modalities for patients, relatives and healthcare personnel. I am currently working in Gravitate-Health where we aim to develop a digital platform where the individual can access relevant health information from reliable sources, especially regarding medication
Petter Hurlen Föreläsare
Akershus University Hospital
Sigurd Maurud Föreläsare
Doctoral research fellow
University of Oslo
I am a PhD student in the integrated digital health information project Gravitate-Health. The focus of my PhD is to explore needs, literacy and capacity for digital health information among IBD patients, and pilot a digital health solution that offers personalized and tailored health information to meet IBD patients' demands for digital health services that augment their self-management activities.