Header image for Vitalis 2023


The conference at Vitalis 2023 consists of several tracks with panel discussions, keynote presentations and studio talks. Most of the content will also be available online via live broadcasts and recorded lectures, available on demand.

Search the programme and customise your agenda!

You can filter by topic, seminar type, target audience or time. There are also a number of thematic tracks in the programme.

Register for conference | Vitalis - English


S - OmvårdnadsinformatikMasterclassAv kliniker, för klinikerNordic focusEgenmonitoreringInformatik/semantikLäkemedelHälsodataStandardisering - Från storpolitik till vårdens vardag - nordiskt och professionsperspektivHälsoapparEng - International Perspective on eHealthAISpråket i hälso- och sjukvårdenRegelverk och juridik Information securityEng - Northern Excellence in Online RecordsJämlik hälsaEng - European Health Data Space, EHDS Eng - Reimbursement and market access for digital solutions VälfärdsteknikSocialtjänst / äldreomsorg / kommunReal Life Evidence i Digital vårdDigital Infrastruktur SverigeKliniska stöd / Kunskapsstyrning / BeslutstödPatientdelaktighet / UXKvalitetsregister - Nu och i framtiden.Eng - Implementation / Change ManagmentInnovationNära vårdOpen Seminar AreaOpen StageWorkshops / FördjupningarBefolkningsdata/population based healthDigitalisering i en orolig tidSwedish Digital Health on the international stageMatchmaking & Event AreaMIE: Health information systemsMIE: Sensors, signals and Imaging InformaticsMIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovationMIE: Decision supportMIE: Human Factors and organizational issuesMIE: Knowledge and Information representation and modelingMIE: Societal aspectsMIE: Citizen health informaticsMIE: BioinformaticsMIE: Patient recordsMIE: EducationMIE: TelehealthMIE: Public Health and Epidemiology InformaticsMIE: Natural Language ProcessingMIE: VisualizationMIE: PostersMIE: Nursing Informatics Day





Seminar type

Objective of lecture

Level of knowledge

Target audience



Conference Vitalis
Profile image for Why need a EU strategy to improve digital empowerment for active healthy living of citizens and limit health inequalities in Europe? On behalf of the IDEAHL-Consortium

Why need a EU strategy to improve digital empowerment for active healthy living of citizens and limit health inequalities in Europe? On behalf of the IDEAHL-Consortium

Beatrice Avagnina, Diana Schack Thoft, Kerryn Butler-Henderson, Marta Pisano González, Sarah Wamala-Andersson, Matt Richardson
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:00 - 12:00 F3
Eng - Implementation / Change Managment, English, Live broadcast, Extended 55 min, Tools for implementation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Education (verification), Patient centration, Management, Follow-up/Report of current status, Apps, Patient safety, Government information, Usability

Profile image for Olyckor och tillbud - krav på rapportering för ökad säkerhet

Olyckor och tillbud - krav på rapportering för ökad säkerhet

Karl-Erik Westman, STEFAN Laiti
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:00 - 11:30 F6
Regelverk och juridik, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Other, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Actual examples (good/bad), Municipality, Patient safety, Government information

Profile image for NORDeHEALTH online mental health records across 4 Countries

NORDeHEALTH online mental health records across 4 Countries

Annika Bärkås, Bo Wang, Hanife Rexhepi
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:55 - 11:15 F2
Nordic focus, Eng - Northern Excellence in Online Records, English, On site only, Other, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Education (verification), Innovation/research, Patient safety, Information security, Usability

Profile image for En gamechanger inom KOL-vården

En gamechanger inom KOL-vården

Anna Carleborg, Hanna Sandelowsky, Pelle Axelsson
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:45 - 11:10 A1
Egenmonitorering, Swedish, Live broadcast, Other, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Test/validation, Apps, Usability

Profile image for NORDeHEALTH Summary of a Patient Survey in 4 countries

NORDeHEALTH Summary of a Patient Survey in 4 countries

Anna Kharko, Maria Hägglund, Hanife Rexhepi
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:35 - 10:55 F2
Nordic focus, Eng - Northern Excellence in Online Records, English, On site only, Other

Profile image for Den virtuella hjärtsviktmottagningen – Så tar vi vara på vården största outnyttjade resurs: Patienten

Den virtuella hjärtsviktmottagningen – Så tar vi vara på vården största outnyttjade resurs: Patienten

Inger Hagerman
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 10:45 A1
Egenmonitorering, Swedish, Live broadcast, Other, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Welfare development, Patient centration, Innovation/research

Profile image for Kollektiv digitalisering – Säg nej till centralisering

Kollektiv digitalisering – Säg nej till centralisering

Tomas Lindroth
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 A2
Välfärdsteknik, Swedish, On site only, Presentation, Other, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects

Profile image for Vilka åtgärder utförs inom kommunal hälso-och sjukvård? Hur kan dessa hälsodata användas?

Vilka åtgärder utförs inom kommunal hälso-och sjukvård? Hur kan dessa hälsodata användas?

Ann-Helene Almborg, Kristina Klerdal
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 A3
Socialtjänst / äldreomsorg / kommun, Swedish, Live broadcast, Presentation, Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Researchers, Students, Healthcare professionals, Benefits/effects, Municipality, Follow-up/Report of current status, Documentation, Government information, Usability

Profile image for Digitalt hjälpmedel för Nära vård för suicidala patienter

Digitalt hjälpmedel för Nära vård för suicidala patienter

Lillemor Broling, Åsa Berggren
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 A4
Patientdelaktighet / UX, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Apps, Patient safety, Usability

Profile image for Nationell arbetsgrupp för användning av Snomed CT

Nationell arbetsgrupp för användning av Snomed CT

Ajla Jakupovic, Anna-Maria Nygren, Erik TainioLagusson
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 A5
Informatik/semantik, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Healthcare professionals, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Follow-up/Report of current status, Documentation

Profile image for Individdata på läkemedel administrerade utan receptförskrivning, baserat på rutinregistrering i sjukvårdens IT-system

Individdata på läkemedel administrerade utan receptförskrivning, baserat på rutinregistrering i sjukvårdens IT-system

Rolf Gedeborg
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 A6
Läkemedel, Kliniska stöd / Kunskapsstyrning / Beslutstöd, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Other, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Actual examples (good/bad), Follow-up/Report of current status, Government information, Usability

Profile image for Den nya eran av evidensgenerering och förtroende för sjukvården – frigör den fulla potentialen i modern teknik

Den nya eran av evidensgenerering och förtroende för sjukvården – frigör den fulla potentialen i modern teknik

Carl Björholt, Cathrin Jung, Marianne Larsson, Micael Gustafsson
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:15 F-Expo
Eng - Implementation / Change Managment, Swedish, Live broadcast, Panel, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Welfare development, Patient centration, Test/validation, Documentation, Apps, Law, Judicial procedures, Patient safety, Usability, Ethics

Profile image for Komplex implementering av ny teknik och nya arbetssätt, från pilot till breddinförande i hela Region Stockholm.

Komplex implementering av ny teknik och nya arbetssätt, från pilot till breddinförande i hela Region Stockholm.

Elinor Nemlander
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 10:45 F1
Av kliniker, för kliniker, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Welfare development, Innovation/research

Profile image for Sessionen "Northern Excellence in Online Records" från NORDeHEALTH-forskarna

Sessionen "Northern Excellence in Online Records" från NORDeHEALTH-forskarna

Isabella Scandurra, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, Åsa Cajander
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 10:35 F2
Eng - Northern Excellence in Online Records, Nordic focus, English, On site only, Other, Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status, Test/validation, Documentation, Apps, Law, Judicial procedures, Patient safety, Information security, Usability, Ethics

Profile image for The Centre for Preventive Care – What are the pros and cons of a healthcare system build on prediction and prevention?

The Centre for Preventive Care – What are the pros and cons of a healthcare system build on prediction and prevention?

Maria Stockhaus, Pomme van Hoof
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 F3
Eng - Implementation / Change Managment, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Researchers, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Ethics

Profile image for How ready are countries to join the European Health Data Space (EHDS) for secondary use of health data? Findings from the TEHDAS country visits

How ready are countries to join the European Health Data Space (EHDS) for secondary use of health data? Findings from the TEHDAS country visits

Irene Kesisoglou, Shona Cosgrove
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:10 F5
Eng - European Health Data Space, EHDS , English, Live broadcast, Other, Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Law, Judicial procedures, Government information

Profile image for Upphandling av medicinteknisk mjukvara – hur vet jag att produkten fungerar och är säker?

Upphandling av medicinteknisk mjukvara – hur vet jag att produkten fungerar och är säker?

Åse Ek
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 F6
Regelverk och juridik, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Healthcare professionals, Management, Documentation, Law, Judicial procedures, Patient safety, Usability

Profile image for Vetenskapande medarbetare – Nära Vård i verkligheten! En ny typ av social media för att leda och följa utvecklingsprocesser

Vetenskapande medarbetare – Nära Vård i verkligheten! En ny typ av social media för att leda och följa utvecklingsprocesser

Martin Lackéus, Jonas Boström, Annelie Rosfjäll, Carin Sävetun, Malin Heimer
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 12:00 J1
Workshops / Fördjupningar, Swedish, On site only, Workshop, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Care professionals, Benefits/effects, Education (verification), Welfare development, Management, Municipality, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status

Profile image for AI för förbättrad vård av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa

AI för förbättrad vård av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa

Jens Nygren, Johan Wahlström, Lena Petersson, Niklas Sundler
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 12:15 R17/18
Workshops / Fördjupningar, Swedish, On site only, Workshop, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Innovation/research, Usability, Ethics

Profile image for snack@vitalis


Björn Arvidsson, Magnus Lejelöv
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:00 - 10:30 F-Expo