Header image for Vitalis 2024

Track overview

The conference includes multiple tracks featuring panel discussions, keynote presentations, and studio talks. Additionally, a significant portion of the content will be accessible digitally through live streams and recorded lectures available on demand. Here is an overview of the tracks at the Vitalis conference, offering an entry into the program and the chance to discover new fields.

Keynote sessions

The European Health Data Space; a health specific ecosystem

When the Vitalis Conference takes place in May 2024 the new EU Regulation for the European Health Data Space (EHDS) may already have been finally adopted and entered into force. EHDS aims to empower the citizens when it comes to having control over their own health data. At the same time contribute to the possibilities and conditions for health care as well as research and innovation to get access to relevant health data in an efficient and secure manner. Expected outcomes include for instance new innovative medical treatments and diagnostics, AI development and Precision Medicine, thus optimizing value from health data, for the benefit of individuals as well as society as a whole. However, there is no doubt that the implementation of EHDS also comes with substantial challenges of different kinds.

In this conference program track of two half days Swedish and international experts will give an update on the status of EHDS, with a focus on the possibilities and challenges, with concluding panel discussions. Topics will include interoperability layers of legal, technical, semantic and organizational character, but also concrete applications of data-sharing within a number of biomedical disciplines.

In addition to EHDS, other international examples of health data spaces will also be presented and discussed, for inspiration and exchange of best practice.

Moderator Primary and Secondary use Wednesday 13:00-17:00 : Maria Hassel

Moderator Research Infrastructure,  Thursday 8:30 - 12:15 : Rikard Lövström

Nordic Deep Dive - digital infrastructure

The Nordic countries are all at the forefront when it comes to digitization and good access to health data. But that does not prevent us from developing strategies for future improvements and progress.

To some extent, we have the same goals that we need to fulfil, (and yes, we are talking about EHDS) but how we tackle the road ahead varies depending on the conditions and other requirements in our different countries.

In this track we will learn about the work being done in three of our Nordic neighbours.

What can we learn from each other and draw inspiration from? Are we as similar as we like to think?

Moderator: Maria Hassel

Innovation Area

Innovation Area"is a new area in the Vitalis exhibition that, over three days, brings together program points, actors, and activities focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and the future. The program is open to visitors without a conference pass as well.

DOME -A Nordic Benchmarking Battle – who has the best national patient portal?

The Swedish DOME-consortium has collaborated for 3 years with researchers from Norway, Finland, and Estonia in the NORDeHEALTH research project to compare and benchmark patients' online record access through our respective national patient portals. At Vitalis we will present our findings and battle for the title - Best National Patient Portal 2024! 

Cyber ​​security

While information security focuses on protecting data regardless of its form, and cyber security concentrates on safeguarding digital systems, the EU's NIS directives, including the expanded NIS 2, underscore the escalating importance of both in ensuring a high level of security across the European network and information systems amidst global changes.

Personalization in Health Care

Today, new mobile and cloud technologies together with advanced analytics enable collecting and connecting a wide range of data and developing meaningful results from it. For the first time, one can now create a truly holistic view of patients/residents and tailor solutions to their unique health needs and preferences.

Emerging technologies




All tracks

Presented below are all the tracks at the Vitalis conference, encompassing sessions conducted in both Swedish and English.

Keynote sessions


Artificiell intelligens slår igenom i samhället i stort och detta gäller även inom omsorg och vård. Denna snabba förändringar medför också krav på kompetensutveckling och nya sätt att säkerställa att den information som presenteras är korrekt.


Aktuella frågeställningar för socialtjänst och kommunal hälso- och sjukvård.

Digital infrastructure

The digital infrastructure is crucial to provide better healthcare to citizens, to build stronger and more resilient health systems, to support long-term competitiveness and innovation.

Framtidens journal – informatiken i praktiken

I Sverige används digital journalföring sedan många år tillbaka och kraven på bättre arbetsmiljö, ökad patientsäkerhet, effektivisering av vårdprocesser, bättre användning av data för såväl primär användning och sekundäranvändning (forskning) ökar.

Detta spåret täcker dels grunderna i informatik för de som inte jobbar med det till vardags och dels best practice införande och förändringsarbete och vänder sig till vård och omsorgspersonal, chefer, strateger, utvecklare, arkitekter, och beslutsfattare.

Evaluation and research

In this tracks, new evaluations, knowledge feedback and research are presented with a aim to spread knowledge with a focus in the presentations on customer/patient/system benefit.

Förändringsledning / Införande

Ny teknik och nya metoder sägs ofta vara en förutsättning för att att vi skall kunna hantera de framtida behoven, men även de bästa lösningar kräver förändring för ett lyckat införande.

Säkerhet och regelverk

Hur säkerställer vi att it-system och medicintekniska produkter är säkra att använda och också tillgängliga i en allt mer orolig omvärld.

Workshops och fördjupningar

Här hittar du workshops och fördjupningssessioner.

Samtliga dessa genomförs enbart på plats. Inget digitalt deltagande är möjligt.

Du behöver reservera din plats för deltagande.

För att kunna göra platsreservation så måste du ha konferenskort.

Köp konferenskort