At Euro Mine Connect we order to give everyone the best possible digital experience, we are offering a limited amount of booths for our exhibitors. Read more to learn about how this will work or make your booking here.
Panel discussion Deep Rock Engineering Challenges
Anders Nyström, Horst Wagner, Matthias Wimmer, Ping Zhang, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering
Rockburst management at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara Mine — Lessons learned from COVID-19
Ping Zhang, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering
Managing rockburst has been a challenge task in hard rock mines for many decades that still remains difficult especially when mining goes deeper.
Rock mechanics in Boliden underground mines – challenges today and technical solutions tomorrow | Boliden
Anders Nyström, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering
This presentation will start with a general description of the understanding of rock mechanics in the mining environment. Examples from Boliden mines of how high stresses on varying rock mass strength influences the mine infrastructure will be shown...
Rock pressure management in deep mines - A paradigm change
Horst Wagner, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering
The presentation outlines the continuing demand for minerals and its impact on mineral resources. The trend is towards larger and deeper mineral deposits.
Mining Engineering Digital Twin | Andritz
Sohail Nazari, Marcus Kristofersson
Wednesday June 2, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 Real Time Mining | hosted by ABB
Real time mining
The experienced team of ANDRITZ Automation has developed a unique and continuous way of training artificial intelligence to operate a mineral processing facility using ANDRITZ's digital twin...
Panel discussion Real Time Mining
Emil Fresk, PhD, Sohail Nazari, Marcus Kristofersson
Wednesday June 2, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 Real Time Mining | hosted by ABB
Real time mining
Zinkgruvan Mining and Mobilaris | The Digital Mine – built on LTE with full site coverage
Marcus Ek, Roger Schmidt, Marcus Kristofersson
Wednesday June 2, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 Real Time Mining | hosted by ABB
Real time mining
Welcome to this session in which you will hear from Zinkgruvan Mining and Mobilaris as they share information about how the two companies have worked closely in a unique digitalization project.
Virtual Field Trip 3rd of June
Thursday June 3, 2021 08:00 - 09:00 Field Trip | hosted by Boliden
Additional Events
Haul More with Less, how to improve haul truck performance
Carl Samuelson, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
Metso Truck Body Metso Outotec has for decades been supplying the mining industry with rubber linings.
Jan Gustafsson, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
NEXGEN SIMS - World leading mining consortium collaborates in new EU-sponsored project for carbon neutral sustainable mining
Panel discussion Sustainable Mines
Carl Samuelson, Erik Lindblom, Håkan Tarras-Wahlberg, Jan Gustafsson, Michael Lowther, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
Reliable positioning - A key enabler for the future of mining
Emil Fresk, PhD, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
Positioning is a foundation for various services and applications, in mining and elsewhere, and is a key enabler for digitalization and automation.
SUM – Sustainable Underground Mining | LKAB
Michael Lowther, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
LKAB has initiated an industrial development project together with ABB, Epiroc, Combitech and Sandvik with the aim of setting a new world standard for sustainable mining at great depths.
TraceMet – a pilot for sustainable metals and minerals | Svemin
Erik Lindblom, Maria Sunér
Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin
Sustainable mines
Knowing that metals in consumer products have been responsibly sourced is increasingly something that producers and consumers are asking for.
With an internationally accepted certification scheme and a system...