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TraceMet – a pilot for sustainable metals and minerals | Svemin Passed

Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin

Speaker: Erik Lindblom
Moderator: Maria Sunér

Theme: Sustainable mines

Knowing that metals in consumer products have been responsibly sourced is increasingly something that producers and consumers are asking for. 

With an internationally accepted certification scheme and a system for traceability in place, we believe that being in the front line when it comes to the transfer to a more sustainable production will increasingly become a competitive advantage, driven by a growing concern in society and by an increasing number of actors getting involved in Agenda 2030 and in contributing to the UN SDG:s (Sustainable Development Goals).

Therefore we have initiated the pilot project “TraceMet” with the goal to develop a simplified, but fully functional, system and a technical solution that allows a certified declaration of origin, of carbon footprint and of recycled content for metals through the whole value chain. The project will have copper in electric cables and steel in trucks as test cases. The project partners include Boliden, LKAB, ABB, SSAB, Scania and Volvo.


Profile image for Erik Lindblom

Erik Lindblom Speaker

Project Manager
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Erik Lindblom, consultant and researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, is the project manager for TraceMet. He is mainly focusing on natural resources management and environmental impact assessments (EIA), has led several EIAs, e.g. for quarry operations, and has participated in many research projects on methodological and procedural aspects of EIA. Erik is a facilitator of the Swedish Mining Dialogue between the industry and national agencies.

Profile image for Maria Sunér

Maria Sunér Moderator


Maria Sunér is the CEO of Svemin, the Swedish Association for Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers. Ms Sunér has a profound background from the business sector, and has held several positions at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, as well as for the Swedish Association of Energy producers. She has also worked for the Worldbank and Eon. Ms Sunér is a honorary member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering, and a vice chair of the Energy and Environment Committee for Business at the OECD.