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At Euro Mine Connect we  order to give everyone the best possible digital experience, we are offering a limited amount of booths for our exhibitors. Read more to learn about how this will work or make your booking here.

Theme: Deep rock engineering

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Profile image for Heading towards great depths | LKAB

Heading towards great depths | LKAB

Matthias Wimmer, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering

Profile image for Panel discussion Deep Rock Engineering Challenges

Panel discussion Deep Rock Engineering Challenges

Anders Nyström, Horst Wagner, Matthias Wimmer, Ping Zhang, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering

Profile image for Rockburst management at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara Mine — Lessons learned from COVID-19

Rockburst management at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara Mine — Lessons learned from COVID-19

Ping Zhang, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering

Profile image for Rock mechanics in Boliden underground mines – challenges today and technical solutions tomorrow | Boliden

Rock mechanics in Boliden underground mines – challenges today and technical solutions tomorrow | Boliden

Anders Nyström, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering

Profile image for Rock pressure management in deep mines - A paradigm change

Rock pressure management in deep mines - A paradigm change

Horst Wagner, Jordi Puig
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Deep rock engineering