Rock mechanics in Boliden underground mines – challenges today and technical solutions tomorrow | Boliden Passed
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Speaker: Anders Nyström
Moderator: Jordi Puig
Theme: Deep rock engineering
This presentation will start with a general description of the understanding of rock mechanics in the mining environment. Examples from Boliden mines of how high stresses on varying rock mass strength influences the mine infrastructure will be shown. An example of a ground fall due to high stress will also be presented that gives insight in how rock mechanics work is done in our mines today. Finally, some thoughts on ongoing research and development that may lead to technical solutions for tomorrow where the challenges with high stress in deep mines needs to be solved.
Anders Nyström Speaker
Rock Mechanics Engineer
Boliden Mines Technology
Anders Nyström, senior rock mechanics engineer at Boliden mines has more than 25 years of experience working with underground mines in Sweden, Ireland and Canada operated by the Boliden Group. His field of knowledge includes cut and fill and longhole open stoping mining operations.
Mr Nyström, has been involved in research projects dealing with mining induced seismicity, paste backfill and rock support systems.
Jordi Puig Moderator
Head of Mining Technology
Jordi Puig is the R&D Manager for the Mining Technology Department at LKAB. Responsible for the technical development to reach greater depths at LKAB mines, safely, with increased productivity, CO2 free and with a reduced environmental impact.
Previous experience includes development of new mining projects and operational experience in several positions in different countries in Africa, South America and Europe for the past 15 years. He holds a degree in mining from Wits University in South Africa and UPC in Manresa (Spain), a MSc from WASM in Australia and a BSc in Environmental Sciences from UAB in Barcelona.