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Zinkgruvan Mining and Mobilaris | The Digital Mine – built on LTE with full site coverage Passed

Wednesday June 2, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 Real Time Mining | hosted by ABB

Speakers: Marcus Ek, Roger Schmidt
Moderator: Marcus Kristofersson

Theme: Real time mining

Welcome to this session in which you will hear from Zinkgruvan Mining and Mobilaris as they share information about how the two companies have worked closely in a unique digitalization project. Together they have set a unique, full site coverage, communication and positioning infrastructure at the Zinkgruvan site based on LTE, for seamless functionality between the different areas of the site.  With this infrastructure in place the mine is now well prepared to take their operations to the next level and new technology is now being added on to boost safety and efficiency, among other things. Welcome to join!


Profile image for Marcus Ek

Marcus Ek Speaker

Product Manager

Marcus Ek has more than 20 years of experience from the software development industry. Since the last 7 years he is a part of the Mobilaris team delivering cutting-edge solutions to the mining industry. In his role as Product Manager, Marcus is dedicated to developing software applications, in close cooperation with the customers, that brings clear values to the end-users. Planning, scheduling and data analytics are three of Marcus current focus areas.

Profile image for Roger Schmidt

Roger Schmidt Speaker

IT Operations Manager
Lundin Mining - Zinkgruvan Mining AB

With 20 years of experience in IT and mining, Roger has worked at Lundin Mining's Zinkgruvan Mine for the last 18 years. Roger currently leads the IT team at Zinkgruvan. Roger has been involved in Zinkgruvan's digitization project since 2015.

Profile image for Marcus Kristofersson

Marcus Kristofersson ModeratorExhibitor

Head of Global PG MAC R&D SE

Head of Global PG MAC R&D SE at ABB | enabling sustainable transformation of mining operations.
Marcus has over 17 years of mining experience within Automation solutions and electrification, low and high voltage, Development of control systems for Mobile mining vehichles and hoisting solutions.
In Marcus former role he held a global responsibility for Mining Automation at ABB and managing several big global and domestic underground mine projects. Marcus holds experience from electrician to Engineer and project manager up to current position.
Marcus is located in Sweden, Umeå.