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NEXGEN SIMS | Epiroc Passed

Thursday June 3, 2021 09:00 - 12:00 Sustainable mines | hosted by Svemin

Speaker: Jan Gustafsson
Moderator: Maria Sunér

Theme: Sustainable mines

NEXGEN SIMS - World leading mining consortium collaborates in new EU-sponsored project for carbon neutral sustainable mining.

Epiroc has started a new European Union-funded collaboration project together with several mining companies, equipment and system manufacturers and universities. The three-year project, called NEXGEN SIMS, will support new technologies, methods and processes that will enable a more sustainable and efficient carbon neutral mining operation.


Profile image for Jan Gustafsson

Jan Gustafsson Speaker

Senior Project Manager
Epiroc Rock Drills AB

Employee of Epiroc Rock Drills AB and Project Manager for the NEXGEN SIMS project where Epiroc serves as coordinator.
20 years’ experience in R&D project management and a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Profile image for Maria Sunér

Maria Sunér Moderator


Maria Sunér is the CEO of Svemin, the Swedish Association for Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers. Ms Sunér has a profound background from the business sector, and has held several positions at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, as well as for the Swedish Association of Energy producers. She has also worked for the Worldbank and Eon. Ms Sunér is a honorary member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering, and a vice chair of the Energy and Environment Committee for Business at the OECD.