Rockburst management at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara Mine — Lessons learned from COVID-19 Passed
Wednesday June 2, 2021 12:45 - 14:40 Deep rock engineering challenges | hosted by LKAB
Speaker: Ping Zhang
Moderator: Jordi Puig
Theme: Deep rock engineering
Managing rockburst has been a challenge task in hard rock mines for many decades that still remains difficult especially when mining goes deeper. Management of coronavirus infection and treatment is also challenging in our society and we are suffering from its wide-spreading. Based on our recent studies, it is found that there are lots of similarity between triggered rockburst and coronavirus infection. Considering the experiences obtained from coronavirus investigation and treatment, it is worthy of making a decent comparison of these two things and try to learn the lessons from COVID-19 when thinking about rockburst management. This talk gives you a thorough comparison between COVID-19 treatment and rockburst management at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara Mine in terms of prevention, evaluation, monitoring and treatment.
Ping Zhang Speaker
Associate Professor in Mining and Rock Engineering
Luleå University of Technology
Dr. Ping Zhang is an Associate Professor at the Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in Sweden and also holds a position as Specialist at LKAB. Dr. Zhang obtained Bachelor (1997), Master (2000) and Ph.D (2004) degrees from Xi′an University of Technology in China and had over 20 years’ research, education, and industry experience.
In 2010,
Dr. Zhang joined LTU as an Assistant Professor of Rock Mechanics. Since then, he has obtained funding from EU, Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), Formas (Swedish Research Counsil for Sustainable Development), as well as the Swedish mining companies. Since 2008, he has been involved with the design of ground support under rockburst condition for Swedish mining industry. His research interests include rock failure process, rock dynamic mechanics, ground support and numerical analysis. Dr. Zhang is the author/co-author of more than 70 scientific publications.
Jordi Puig Moderator
Head of Mining Technology
Jordi Puig is the R&D Manager for the Mining Technology Department at LKAB. Responsible for the technical development to reach greater depths at LKAB mines, safely, with increased productivity, CO2 free and with a reduced environmental impact.
Previous experience includes development of new mining projects and operational experience in several positions in different countries in Africa, South America and Europe for the past 15 years. He holds a degree in mining from Wits University in South Africa and UPC in Manresa (Spain), a MSc from WASM in Australia and a BSc in Environmental Sciences from UAB in Barcelona.