The conference at Vitalis 2023 consists of several tracks with panel discussions, keynote presentations and studio talks. Most of the content will also be available online via live broadcasts and recorded lectures, available on demand.
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You can filter by topic, seminar type, target audience or time. There are also a number of thematic tracks in the programme.
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1177 direkt - en ny digital ingång till vården
Anette Thalén, Sofie Zetterström, Anna Ek, Kerstin Hörnsten, Sara Johansson, Sven-Åke Svensson
Thursday May 25, 2023 11:30 - 12:00 F-Expo
Real Life Evidence i Digital vård, Swedish, Live broadcast, Panel, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Welfare development, Patient centration
1177 direkt är en ny digital ingång till vården och ett alternativ till att ringa 1177 eller vårdcentralen. Tjänsten vägleder invånaren rätt i vården via ett sömlöst flöde samtidigt som vårdens resurser effektiviseras. Tjänsten införs just nu i tio regioner över Sverige.
Accelerate innovation with modern cloud technology - without even running in the cloud
Johan Tordsson
Wednesday May 24, 2023 15:30 - 16:00 A6
Information security, English, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Management, Innovation/research, Information security
In our sector, the major cloud discussion the last few years focused on data protection - what data can we store in the cloud, and in which cloud? This talk takes a different approach and ignores the cloud as an outsourcing model. Instead, principles and methods for modern cloud technology are highlighted. Correctly adopted, they enable any software developing organization to accelerate the pace of innovation. This effect can even be achieved without migrating to the cloud, and without compromising data protection and regulatory compliance.
Access to development opportunities in biomedical and health informatics
Sidsel Villumsen
Wednesday May 24, 2023 15:10 - 15:15 G2
MIE: Education, English, On site only, Presentation, Orientation, Introductory, Organizational development, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Actual examples (good/bad), Education (verification), Innovation/research
How do you go from being a novice to becoming skilled in biomedical and health informatics, if you’re not on the list for comprehensive and formal education within the field? We studied this and will present our insights.
Adolescents identifying errors and omissions in their electronic health records: National survey
Josefin Hagström
Tuesday May 23, 2023 10:45 - 11:00 G2
MIE: Patient records, English, On site only, Presentation, Other, Advanced, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Patient centration, Innovation/research, Patient safety, Usability, Ethics
Patient accessible electronic health records (PAEHRs) have been proposed as a means to improve patient safety and documentation quality, as patients become an additional source to detect mistakes in the records. In pediatric care, healthcare professionals (HCP) have noted a benefit of parent proxy users correcting errors in their child’s records. However, the potential of adolescents has so far been overlooked, despite reports of reading records to ensure accuracy. The present study examines errors and omissions identified by adolescents, and whether patients reported following up with HCPs. Survey data was collected during three weeks in January and February 2022 via the Swedish national PAEHR. Of 218 adolescent respondents, 60 reported having found an error (27.5%) and 44 (20.2%) had found missing information. Most adolescents did not take any action upon identifying an error or an omission (64.0%). Omissions were more often perceived as serious than errors. These findings call for development of policy and PAEHR design that facilitates reports of errors and omissions for adolescents, which could both improve trust and support the individual’s transition into an involved and engaged adult patient.
A european platform for clinical trials – CTIS
Björn Eriksson
Tuesday May 23, 2023 12:10 - 12:30 F3
Eng - International Perspective on eHealth, English, Live broadcast, Other, Orientation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Researchers, Healthcare professionals, Innovation/research, Government information, Ethics
In order to improve the conditions for clinical research in Europe and to stimulate multinational clinical trials, CTIS - clinical trial information system - has been developed. It is a platform that is ONE single entrance to the clinical trial application and includes both the drug application and ethical approval. Several years of preparatory work and a one-year transition period have ended and from February 1, 2023 CTIS has been put into use and is mandatory to use. CTIS has been built and improved in close cooperation with users (industry and academia) and national pharmaceutical authorities and EMA, the European Medicines Agency.
A Framework For Evaluating Synthetic Electronic Health Records
Amira Soliman, Emmanuella Budu, Kobra Etminani
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, On site only, Poster, Advanced
Monday 22 May: 1pm-3pmTuesday 23 May: 1pm-2pm
Agent Based Modelling for simulating the Interregional Patient Mobility in Italy
Fabrizio Pecoraro
Wednesday May 24, 2023 09:15 - 09:30 G2
English, On site only, Presentation, Advanced
A great pitch@vitalis
Tuesday May 23, 2023 11:00 - 12:30 Matchmaking & Event Area
Matchmaking & Event Area, English, On site only
A great pitch@vitalisAt A great pitch@vitalis, the most innovative Healthtech companies will showcase new digital solutions in healthcare. Attendees can listen to short pitches where approximately 10 companies present their innovations, followed by questions from a distinguished panel. The participating companies will be announced in early May. We welcome you to join us for this engaging event with high energy and excitement!When: Tuesday, May 23, from 11 am to 12:30 pm
Where: Vitalis Matchmaking and Event Area (in the exhibition)
A conference pass is not required as it is included in the exhibition ticket.
AI-Based Gut-Brain Axis Digital Twins
Stephane Meystre
Wednesday May 24, 2023 15:05 - 15:10 G4
MIE: Sensors, signals and Imaging Informatics, English, On site only, Presentation, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Patient centration, Innovation/research
More than 40% of the adult population suffers from functional gastrointestinal disorders, now considered disorders of the “gut-brain axis” (GBA) interactions, a very complex bidirectional neural, endocrine, immune, and humoral communication system modulated by the microbiota. To help discover, understand, and manage GBA disorders, the OnePlanet research center is developing digital twins focused on the GBA, combining novel sensors with artificial intelligence algorithms providing descriptive, diagnostic, predictive or prescriptive feed-back.
AI för förbättrad vård av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa
Jens Nygren, Johan Wahlström, Lena Petersson, Niklas Sundler
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:30 - 12:15 R17/18
Workshops / Fördjupningar, Swedish, On site only, Workshop, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Innovation/research, Usability, Ethics
För att främja unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa och förebygga ohälsa driver Högskolan i Halmstad och Capio Ramsay Santé det gemensamma forskning- och samverkansprojektet PadAI inom ramen för forskningsprofilen CAISR Health vid Högskolan i Halmstad. Det finns stora förhoppningar om att artificiell intelligens (AI) ska kunna bidra till att utveckla och förbättra vården för unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa, men det kräver att arbetssätt och vårdprocesser i den praktiska vårdkontexten förändras. Dessvärre saknas det idag forskning om hur AI kan implementeras och användas i vården för unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa och det behövs därför mer kunskap inom detta område. Vid denna workshop kommer vi att presentera resultat från den första delen av projektet och sedan kommer deltagarna i mindre grupper diskutera hur AI kan förbättra vården av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa.
AI för socialtjänsten
Lovisa Ericsson, Malin Lindström
Thursday May 25, 2023 09:00 - 10:30 J1
Workshops / Fördjupningar, Socialtjänst / äldreomsorg / kommun, Swedish, On site only, Workshop, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Welfare development
Arbetar du inom socialtjänsten och är nyfiken på AI? Under denna workshop ger vi en grundläggande introduktion till AI som sedan fördjupas utifrån de utmaningar socialtjänsten står inför som AI skulle kunna hjälpa till att lösa.
AI Models: Hype and Progress
Jonathan Ilicki
Tuesday May 23, 2023 11:30 - 12:00 F1
AI, English, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Inspiration, Advanced, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Education (verification), Innovation/research
Aktuella rättsfrågor inom e-hälsa
Maria Jacobsson
Thursday May 25, 2023 11:10 - 11:30 F3
Masterclass, Swedish, On site only, Introductory, Education (verification)
Masterclass@vitalis. En grundläggande eHälsoutbildning där enbart fysisk medverkan som delegat är möjlig.
Allmänspråkliga synonymer i Snomed CT
Robert Ville Meriruoho
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:00 - 11:30 A5
Informatik/semantik, Swedish, Pre-recorded + On-site, Presentation, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Patient centration, Follow-up/Report of current status, Documentation, Apps, Usability
Språkurval i Snomed CT och hur det kan användas för att visa medicinsk information med allmänspråkliga synonymer. Eller med andra ord; menar du vagel när du säger hordeolum?
A Masked language model for multi-source EHR trajectories contextual representation learning
Ali Amirahmadi, Kobra Etminani
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:30 - 11:35 G3
MIE: Decision support, English, On site only, Presentation, Advanced
AMY – Vårda istället för att leta
Mark Van de Camp
Tuesday May 23, 2023 14:00 - 14:15 Vitalis Open Stage (i utställningen)
Open Stage, English, On site only
Amy är den smarta söktjänsten för varje vårdavdelning! Amy är er nya smarta kollega som hjälper er avdelning att spåra utrustning och håller ordning på service och underhåll. Amy vet vart utrustning finns, hur länge den stått där och när den senast blev servad eller rengjord. Ett användarvänligt och enkelt system som hjälper er avdelning att använda utrustningen mer effektivt och minskar hanteringen med att leta efter utrustning och material. Mer tid till att vårda istället för att leta helt enkelt! Presenteras av: OneMed Sverige AB. Presenteras på engelska.
An adaptive digital intelligence system to support infodemic management: The WHO EARS platform
Agnese Pastorino
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, On site only, Poster, Advanced
An Annotation Workbench for semantic annotation of data collection instruments
Julia Sasse
Thursday May 25, 2023 11:15 - 11:30 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Presentation, Advanced
Short introduction to the National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (NFDI4Health) and proposed solutions towards findability and interoperability of clinical and epidemiological studies. Two services will be presented: the German Central Health Study Hub to support the findability of studies and the Metadata Annotation Workbench to support enrichment of data collection instruments with standardized vocabularies on the study item level.
An architecture for providing Personalized Digital Health
Jaime Delgado
Wednesday May 24, 2023 15:45 - 16:00 G4
English, On site only, Presentation, Advanced
An audit of dietitians’ documentation – comparing the level of agreement between the audit instruments Diet-NCP-Audit and NCP-QUEST
Evelina Liljeberg
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, On site only, Poster, Advanced