News and updates

July, 2024

It’s holiday time in many parts of the world and B2B events are not as dense as in spring and fall. At InvitePeople, the summer period is a time for reflection and exploration, we make plans for the fall and evaluate selected parts of our platform. Since last time we have released lots of exciting updates and especially the schedule has gotten a big boost. Have a great summer and enjoy the news below! 😎

Matchmaking & Meeting Generation 🤝

  • A new Widget kind has been released: Matchmaking cards. With this new widget, you can select profile fields to use for matching participants. Add the cards to the Logged in view or the Event app and allow participants to get personalized suggestions of people they might be interested in contacting. Participants will be able to quickly browse through the suggestions by selecting Fetch a new match, Mark as uninteresting, or Add to favorites.
  • You can now add Tags to Meetings and categorize them into types or groups. The tags are only visible to you and other administrators. Assign tags to individual meetings or in batches when viewing any meeting list. You can then later filter out your tagged meetings in the Booked meetings list or in exports.
  • The Meeting generator has been updated with a new setting: Book main meeting party in exhibitor booth. Use this setting to book partakers from the Main meeting party in exhibitor booths if possible. Booking in booths works for company partakers with a booth name set.

Sessions & Schedules 📅

  • A new setting at SettingsSession settingsSettingsSchedule settings has been released: Schedule mode. You can switch the schedule mode to Blocks and the sessions will be presented by equal-size blocks instead of being scaled on the time axis. This mode will work best for events where the schedule if fairly symmetrical and most sessions start and end in parallel.
  • Participants can now choose to view the session schedule with two different modes: Time vertically (this is the old and default mode) or Time horizontally. You can set the default mode participants will see on their initial visit at SettingsSession settingsSettingsDefault time axis.
  • A third session setting has been released: Schedule elements. You can now freely choose whether to Show profile pictures and/or Show lecturers in the schedule.
  • Session Locations has gotten a new setting: Color. You can choose from 5 predefined colors, or select your own using a color picker. The color will be visible in the schedule and when printing out the session location in lists and detailed views.
  • The session schedule now has a Fullscreen button that can be used to expand the schedule. This is especially useful for your participants when viewing the schedule on mobile devices and small screens.

Apple & Google Wallet 🗂️

  • Integrations with Apple and Google Wallet have been released. You can edit, test, and publish Wallet Passes at SettingsCustomize appearanceWallet settings. After publishing the Wallet Pass, participants can download tickets to their Apple or Google Wallets from the My tickets page or the Order confirmation page by clicking on the Add to Wallet buttons. This new feature is not enabled by default, please contact us if you are interested in Wallet integrations!

Reporting & Statistics 📊

  • Email delivery details regarding Bounced emails, Marked as spam, and Unsubscribed emails can now be downloaded in XLSX and CSV format at AdministerStatisticsEmail delivery.
  • You can now filter out a date range (up to 7 days at once) of activity statistics at AdministerStatisticsActivity.

Exports & API Updates 💾

  • The Assigned meeting ratings export has a new column: Meeting. This column indicates how many meetings that are booked between the partakers.
  • Two columns have been added to the Favorites export: Participant role and Role. These columns indicate the role of the participant (Visitor, Exhibitor, Speaker, etc).
  • A new export Internal files has been released. With this new export, you can fetch a list of all internal files uploaded for sessions and companies, shared between event administrators, session content managers, and company administrators.
  • Version 2.2.15 of the InvitePeople REST API has been released. This update contains a new property data_minimization_status added to the Event object. For more details, visit our documentation at

April, 2024

April has been one of the busiest event months of all time at InvitePeople. Both the number of events and participants peaked during the past month. We successfully delivered one of our largest physical events ever together with lots of digital, hybrid, and smaller on-site events. We also continued to enhance our beloved meeting module and released some long-awaited features for other areas. Here in Stockholm, the sun is out. We suggest you grab a cup of coffee and read about our updates outdoors! 🌤️

Matchmaking & Meeting Generation 🤝

  • We’ve updated the Meeting generator with a new setting: Max number of additional partakers for group meetings. This setting decides how many partakers to allow in one group meeting. It really comes in handy when generating meetings for virtual conferences, when group meetings might become a little too crowded since the number of seats in each room isn’t limited.
  • We added a new quick action, that will make adding additional partakers to meetings a lot easier! Just open up a partaker who hasn’t yet got their ratings or requests met and choose between Book meeting and Add to meeting. Adding for example late registration partakers to existing group meetings is a great and quick way of squeezing in more participants in an already packed meeting schedule.
  • Ratings relevant to a booked meeting can now be viewed by you when viewing meetings on the Meeting planning board or a single meeting under Full meeting details.

CC email addresses 📩

  • A new profile field has been added: CC email address. This profile field is designed to let participant receive copies of their emails from the event to a second email address. The email address entered needs to be a professional address with the same domain as the participant’s email address, also public email provider addresses (Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, iCloud, etc) are not accepted. For security reasons, the CC email address will be suppressed for user accounts with administrator rights. Since this is a feature that might have a negative impact on security and privacy for events it is only enabled after a brief use case description. Please contact us if you are interested in the CC email function!

Localized Sorting 🌐

  • A new language setting is now available for you at SettingsEvent settingsLanguage: Sorting language. Alphabetically sorted lists in InvitePeople are ordered according to Swedish rules by default. This works well for both international (English) and most Nordic events but is not the optimal way of sorting lists alphabetically for eg. German events. So if you’re running lots of events in German, you might benefit from changing the Sorting language settings. This new setting applies to sorting in the list views in the Logged-in views and the Event app, it will not change the sorting in the administrator backend.

The Lead Scanning App 📱

  • A direct link for downloading and logging in to the lead scanning app is now available for company representatives in the Logged-in views / Event app at My companyGet leads app.

Exports and API Updates 💾

  • The Finished payments export has a new column: Event ID.
  • The Session information export has a new column: Number of lecturers.
  • Version 2.2.14 of the InvitePeople REST API has been released. This update contains two new endpoints: Get all Meetings and Get a specific Meeting. For more details, visit our documentation at

March, 2024

We stay on track and keep improving all aspects of InvitePeople. The March releases have extra emphasis on session management but also contain many general updates for email invites, notifications, exports, and much more. Read on or save this email for after the weekend. Have a nice holiday! 🐣

Session Management 🗣

  • A new kind of Widget has been released: Lecturer cards. With this widget, you can filter out a set of Sessions and display their Lecturers as cards anywhere in the logged-in views or the event app. The cards can be styled and sorted by your choice.
  • New codes for dynamic content are now available for the Session category descriptions. You can use these codes to list the lecturers connected to the sessions in the category. The lecturer names will be linked to their profiles in the logged-in views and the event app.

RSVP and Email Invitations 📩

  • Imported profile data for participants with the status new (invited participants) is now pre-filled in the registration form when inviting them via Email batches. To make this new feature work as well as possible: set up a registration page or a promo code with single-booking registrations (no group bookings) and free tickets.
  • RSVP responses can now be edited by you individually. Click on the pencil for the RSVP response to see details, change the status, or remove the invite entirely. This comes in handy for you if cleaning up an event after testing, or when the response needs to be updated manually for some reason.

New Notification Settings 🔔

  • New notification settings are available to you at SettingsEvent settingsNotifications: Auto-generated notifications. There you can control the auto-generated default notifications, always created for new participants (Complete your profile and Update your visibility and notification settings). Select Launch popup on first login to ensure the participants see the notifications during their first visit to the logged-in views or the event app.

General Administrator Backend Improvements 💻

  • The Email batches wizard has gotten some nice UI updates to become a little bit easier to use and appealing to the eye. We hope you like it!
  • A table showing profile data is now available when you view a single session in the administrator backend. We hope this makes overlooking and editing sessions a little smoother for you!
  • A new filter check box is available for you at AdministerEconomyTickets: Anonymous tickets. You can use this filter to find tickets not connected to any participant.
  • You can now opt out of receiving Email notifications for Internal message threads attached to sessions and companies. Just click the button saying Email notifications: On to turn them off.

Export Updates 📊

  • The All participants export has gotten a new filter: Status. You can now filter by All participants (the default), Only confirmed participants, Only disabled participants, or Only invited participants.

February, 2024

We are already two months into the new year and are getting up to speed with our new development focus area: Agenda & Session Management. We are also very excited about releasing a whole new way of communicating with participants. We hope you like it! 🚀

Session Categories 🗂

  • A new kind of Widget has been released: Session category cards. Using this widget you can select a set of session categories and display them as cards anywhere on the public pages or in the logged in views. The cards can either be displayed as floating cards in a grid, or horizontally with a side scroll. The cards contain the session category name, description, and a button leading the participants to a pre-filtered view of the sessions in the category.
  • Session categories have been updated with a frequently requested feature. It is now possible to group categories using Main categories. Adding main categories allows you to sort your session tracks, themes, or, blocks hierarchically, creating an additional level of categorization for your sessions. Sessions can’t be directly assigned to a main category, they are connected via a sub-category. Main categories can be used together with the Show categories in a menu? setting or without it. When adding main categories, a new search filter will appear in the sessions list and schedule.

The Event App 📱

  • A new long-awaited feature has been released: Notification batches. You can use this function to send out notifications to event participants. Notification batches work similarly to Email and SMS batches. The notifications will be available for participants in the Event app and are also sent as push notifications. A new Event page type Notifications is available and can be added to the menu in the Event app. On this page, all notifications sent to the logged in participant are listed.

Company Management 🏢

  • The email notification functionality for Internal files and messages between administrators and company administrators has been updated. In addition to company administrators and regular administrators who joined the discussion, now also all Exhibitor Administrators will receive notifications about new files and messages. It is possible to add an extra role Exhibitor Administrator to any administrator who needs to receive notifications for all Internal files and messages updates.

Access Control & Security 🔒

  • We have updated our Password Policy to enforce longer, and hence more secure passwords. The minimum number of characters for passwords is now 12. Passwords now have to be between 12 and 64 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Export Updates 📊

  • The Email invites export has two new columns: Message and Updated.
  • The Finished payments export has a new column: Paid to account.
  • The Invoices export has three new columns: Bank payment date, Paid to account, and Marked as paid by.

January, 2024

It’s a new year and we continue to follow our guiding star and main product value: The meeting. There is a lot of news in the Matchmaking and Meeting Generation area, and some important steps have been taken with Session Management. Grab some coffee and read on! ☕

Matchmaking & Meeting Generation 🤝

  • The Meeting generator has been updated with new settings: Break duration and Padding between sessions and meetings. The break duration settings allow you to choose a default break in minutes between meetings. This will make it possible to, most often, only having to add one time slot per day. The padding between sessions and meetings setting allows you to automatically add an extra break before and after participants’ booked sessions. This will give your attendees more time to move between meetings and sessions.
  • The Meeting generator settings Double book company sessions and Double book participant sessions have been renamed and logically reversed to Honor company session bookings and Honor participant session bookings. They work just the same, just the other way around.
  • You can now set the Number of rating stars for a Meeting party to 1 or 2 stars. The minimum number of stars at 3 has been removed.
  • We have released some UI improvements for your Meeting partakers. When rating other partakers, they can select their main preference for 1-1 meetings or Group meetings at the top. They can then later individualize their requests.

Session Management 🗣

  • The sessions’ Location field is now a drop-down menu with a preset list of locations. You can configure and sort your event’s session locations at AdministerSessionsLocations. You can add a description to each location. This makes it clickable in the Logged in views and Public views and triggers a popup window with your description.
  • The Sessions page in the administrator backend has gotten some UI updates including a wider list with more records in it.

Registration & Public Pages 📝

  • You can now create Ticket type packages at SettingsTicket Types. Click on an entrance ticket type and then Add ticket type to package or Add session to package. Sessions without ticket types already connected to them can be added and multiple additional tickets can be added in different quantities. When registering and purchasing tickets, the ticket type package behaves like a single ticket type. This function can be used, for example, to include coupons or session tickets when registering or purchasing an entrance ticket, or to split the price of an entrance ticket using different VAT rates.
  • The registration and public pages of your events now have unique page <title>‘s. The sessions page, for example, now has the new page title Sessions | Your Event Name. A specific session page now has the new page title The Session Name | Your Event Name. This improves SEO and the user experience when navigating public pages.

New Import Types 💾

  • Session locations – Allows you to import session locations in batches.
  • Meeting places – Allows you to import meeting places in batches.

December, 2023

We at InvitePeople would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year! 🎊 We are currently focused around developing our Matchmaking & Meeting Generation features, Payment & Financial Management, and CRM System Integrations. Starting in 2024, we are introducing a new focus area: Agenda & Session Management.

Matchmaking & Meeting Generation 🤝

  • New quick actions are available for you when using the Assigned meetings module, making navigation and creation of Meeting partakers from participant and company profiles a lot easier.
  • You can now, as an administrator, edit the description of calendar slots Marked as busy for all participants.

UI Updates 👩‍💻

  • The main top navigation bar for the Registration page and the Logged in views has been enlarged. This provides better readability and makes it easier for participants to identify the main navigation. It is possible to switch back to the old look, feel free to contact us if you need help!
  • The Twitter share button has been changed to a X share button.

New Personalization Codes *️⃣

  • All profile fields are now available as personalization codes when sending SMS batches to participants. You can use these new codes in text messages by clicking on the Include profile field values button.
  • All company profile fields are now available as personalization codes when editing Event pages.

Registration, Ticketing & Payments 💳

  • The Continue button in the registration flow is now sticky to the bottom, and always visible together with the text Complete the details on this page, then scroll down to continue. This will help your users find the continue button, especially useful when booking sessions or entering matchmaking ratings.
  • Confirmation emails are now sent out automatically to registration dropouts when registering for free tickets and using Session booking or Matchmaking ratings. If the user completes the Personal details step for an order but never clicks on Continue in the Sessions or Matchmaking ratings step, emails are sent out after one hour.
  • New Swiss and Austrian VAT rates for Ticket types have been added: 8.1 % and 20 %.

Data Minimization 📋

  • Our Data Minimization Policy feature has been improved and now gives us more flexibility when automatically deleting Personal Data. Simplify the process of data retention, aligning your event administration with Privacy Policies and the GDPR, by setting up a Data Minimization Policy in InvitePeople. Contact one of our CSMs to learn more!

Supervisor Backend Improvements 💻

  • As a Supervisor administrators you can now view all departments of your organization under Supervisor. You can also change the names of your departments.
  • The Supervisor backend has gotten some UI updates including wider list views with more records in them and more consistent navigation.

November, 2023

Winter is coming, but we keep releasing new features for InvitePeople! ❄️ Right now our main focus is on Matchmaking & Meeting Generation, Payment & Financial Management, and CRM System Integrations. But as usual, we are improving all areas and aspects of our product. 🚀

Matchmaking & Meeting Generation 🤝

  • Group meetings are now marked more clearly in participants’ calendars when using our Assigned meetings module. 📅
  • It is now easier to convert Meeting partakers types from Participant to Company and vice versa when using our Assigned meetings module. This will make the manual handling of meeting ratings and requests a lot smoother for you! ☀️
  • We now allow administrators to add or remove Tags from Meeting partakers in batches. This feature is great when you quickly need to group your partakers, for example, based on the day of attendance or other categorizations. The tags can then be used to filter whom to include when generating meetings. 🔖

Name Badge Printing Options 🏷️

  • We’ve added support for a new DIY badge printing method! If you have a smaller event and want to print good-looking name badges yourself, get a pack of our A4 Butterfly badges and print them out on your laser printer. The name badges can be printed two-sided in color and are of high quality (tear and water-resistant). 🖨️

Administrator Backend Improvements 💻

  • We’ve improved the participant list available for administrators, which is now wider with more records per page, easier to sort, and includes a new multi-ticket type filter. 📊
  • Automatic email notifications are now sent out to administrators when new internal files are uploaded to a Company by a Company administrator. 📧

InvitePeople Leads App 📱

  • A new version (1.3.0) of the Invitepeople Leads app has been released including some UX improvements and fixes. It is available in the Apple AppStore and Google Play, make sure you update your apps! 🆕

Export Changes & Updates 📈

  • Credited and refunded invoices have been added to the bottom of the Finished payments export, giving you a complete list of all transactions and refunds for all payment methods. 💳
  • A new export Entrance tickets for Zebra ZD420 as PDF is available in the administrator backend. Use this to download all print-on-demand badges in PDF format. 🖨️

October, 2023

Although we still focus on meetings and matchmaking, there have of course been updates in all areas! New profile fields, widgets, and on-site badges 🎫 together with some refreshing enhancements 🌟 have been released. 🍂

Registration, Follow up & Profiles 📝

  • A new type of profile field has been added: the File upload field 📎. This new field type can be used for all types of profiles and allows users to upload files eg. in registration forms, for session profiles, or company product pages. The file field can be set up to accept all files, images only 🖼, or PDFs only 📄.
  • Average statistics are now available for profile fields. The average value will be summarized in statistics views and exports for List, Radio buttons, and Multiple choice checkboxes fields. This is useful when, for example, using ⭐️ as values to allow rating sessions or the event in Follow up forms.

Event Cards Widget 📆

  • A new type of Widget is available: Event cards. With this widget, you can select other events from the same Organization and display them as cards on any event page. This can be used to promote other passed or upcoming events. The event cards widget can only be created and edited by Supervisor Administrators and Supervisor Event Administrators since it requires access to all events of the organization. Other administrators can use the widget inside the event after it has been created.

New On-site Printing Solution 🖨

  • We are ditching the plastic for on-demand badge printing! New high-quality two-sided badges are available, ready to be clicked into a lanyard immediately after printing. Our new badging solution has been used for some time and is now fully rolled out, replacing the old paper rolls and plastic sleeves 🌍.

The Event App 📱

  • The Event App now supports native notification badges 🔔. These indicate the number of unread notifications in the app on the home screen of the user’s device. You know that little red circle with a number in it that grabs your attention?

Sessions 🗣

  • You can now sort lecturers and speakers for sessions manually. By default, lecturers are sorted A-Z. Now, by clicking on Sort lecturers when editing a Session you can switch to Custom sorting, and then drag and drop the lecturers into the exact order of your choice 🔀.

Exports and API Updates 💾

  • The Entrance tickets with participant information export have a new column: Order number.
  • Supervisors can now pull the Events list in the Supervisor section directly to XLSX or CSV format 📊.
  • Version 2.2.13 of the InvitePeople REST API has been released, adding the order object to Ticket, Participant, and User endpoints. For more details, visit our documentation at 📚.

September, 2023

Fall is here and so are new features! It’s a busy season, full of great events. 🗓️ 🍁 We’ve got new tools to make planning easier and more fun. Grab some coffee ☕ and see what’s new! 🎇

Meeting Generation 🗓

We are extremely proud of our meeting functionality, and our goal is to be the best platform for B2B event matchmaking in the world! 🌏 Getting there requires us to never settle for ‘good enough’. 🎯 We will keep moving forward in this segment, so stay tuned and enjoy our latest improvements. 🛠

  • The Meeting Generator can now generate Group Meetings, scheduling more than two companies in the same meeting according to the criteria of your choice. 🤝
  • You can now attach tags to your Meeting Partakers, making it easier to create multiple Meeting Generations with sub-groups of partakers. 🏷
  • A new Matching Status view gives you an overview of the results of your meeting generations and schedule, providing a list of partakers or meetings that might need your attention. 📊
  • The Meeting Planning Board filters have been improved, and the whole meeting schedule can be exported into a formatted and colored Excel file. 📈

The Event App 📲

The Event App can now automatically be promoted to participants using an onboarding popup. To turn it on, check your event’s App Settings! 🌟 Some practical and good-looking features have been added:

  • The list filters for Logged-in Views and the Event App have been completely rebuilt. The new filters are designed with usability in mind, so they won’t steal focus from your content. 🎨
  • We have released a new type of Widget called Session Cards. These can be used to showcase your whole session agenda or parts of it in an appealing way. 🗂

Registration, Tracking & Payments 💳

We continue to develop our Registration features. Let’s be frank—registration systems can be rather boring, but getting the right data and payments in is absolutely crucial. 📈 That’s why we aim to make it as simple and smooth as possible.

  • Tracking of UTM parameters is now on by default, allowing you to follow your buyers and participants’ journey from ads or email send-outs via your registration pages to paid orders. 🛒
  • We have redesigned the Order and Invoice views in the administrator backend to make them easier to use and navigate. 🧭
  • Payouts from Nets Easy are now synced back into InvitePeople, so that each transaction can be tracked all the way to your bank account. 💰
  • Our integration has been updated with a whole new settings panel for the administrator backend, making it easier to control and overview the seating configuration. 🎫

Access Control, Security & Data Protection 🔒

Keeping your data safe is a top priority at InvitePeople. To achieve this, we use a multi-faceted approach, working from many different ends simultaneously. 🛡

  • Correct access controls that can be set granularly for your administrators are key. That’s why we’ve added a new Supervisor administrator role: the Supervisor Event Administrator. Those with this new set of permissions can administer and overview all events of an Organization or Department. 🔑 Read more about our roles here:
  • Data Minimization doesn’t have to be complicated. Simplify the process of removing old Personal Data, aligning your event administration with Privacy Policies and the GDPR, by setting up a Data Minimization Policy in InvitePeople. Contact one of our CSMs to learn more! 📋

More Data Available for Export to Excel or CSV 📊

We are constantly adding reporting and exporting possibilities, giving you full access and control of your data. 📈 In addition to the new exports Finished Payment PDFs and Orders with UTM parameters, the following lists available for export have been updated with even more information. 📜

  • All Participants
  • Finished Payments
  • Invoices
  • Deleted Tickets
  • All Meetings
  • Meeting Planning Board
  • Assigned Meeting Partakers
  • Session Information

May, 2023

As May draws to a close, we’re excited to share some significant InvitePeople updates. We’ve been focusing on improving the Event App and participant administration to deliver a smoother, more engaging experience. So, let’s jump right in and discover what’s new and improved with InvitePeople!

Event App

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Progressive Web App (PWA) for InvitePeople events! 🥳 In this first release, we’ve added a dedicated settings page where you can customize your event-specific Favicon/app-icon and choose a theme color, making your events more personalized than ever. Plus, your participants can now add your event directly to their home screens and receive push notifications for real-time updates.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also rolled out a new, floating Personal Menu for the Logged in views. This user-friendly feature offers easy access to My tickets, My activities and more, making it simpler for participants to navigate. On mobile devices and within the Event App, this personal menu will be conveniently accessible at the bottom of the screen.

Last, but certainly not least, we’ve made enhancements to our Session Follow-up fields. Now, these fields can be entered directly when viewing a Session – making it more accessible and flexible for your attendees. Here’s to a more engaging and streamlined event experience! 🎉

Participant Administration and Email Updates

At long last, we’re thrilled to announce a much-anticipated admin backend update! 📣 Event administrators now have the capability to update the email addresses of all event participants. Please remember this may result in changes to participants’ login credentials. Your patience has been rewarded – streamlined event management is now at your fingertips!

New Features for Promo Codes

We’re excited to roll out our latest updates in Promo code management! 🚀 Now, easily hide the Tickets box from the registration page while keeping it visible for Promo codes under SettingsEvent settingsCustomize registration page.

Plus, a new feature remembers the last visited Promo code even when navigating away, making it easier for participants to return to the right place. It’s all about giving you more control and your participants a smoother journey!

Content Block Editor Updates

You can now add Widgets directly from the Content block editor! This upgrade should make handling widgets on Event pages and Page versions more structured and smoother than ever before. Happy editing! 🎉

New Export

Delighted to introduce a new export – Favorites! Now, effortlessly export a detailed record of all favorite picks by your event participants, making data management a breeze 📄.

API Updates

We’re quietly excited to announce Version 2.2.12 of the InvitePeople REST API, now with the published key for Event endpoints – hoping it makes your integration journey a bit smoother 😊.

For more details, visit our documentation at

April, 2023

Get ready to elevate your event experience with our exciting updates! We’ve been working hard to bring you the latest features and improvements to make your events more seamless and enjoyable. In the past months we’ve introduced many new Features, Enhancements, and Concepts. Explore these fantastic news to make your events even more interactive and user-friendly!

Meetings and Matchmaking

We believe in the power of personal connections and understand that face-to-face interactions are the building blocks of meaningful relationships and successful events. With InvitePeople, personal meetings take center stage, ensuring your event leaves a lasting impression on all participants. We are happy to announce lots of news in this area! 🤝💫

  • Meeting Planning Board: The Meeting Planning Board now includes filtering options and direct editing of start times and places.
  • Meeting Request Improvements: Better UI for matchmaking ratings and ticket-specific rating setup. New code for Email batches and Confirmation emails, /*RATINGLINK*/. Collect 1-1 and Group meeting requests.
  • Meeting Exports Upgrades: More filtering options for Assigned meeting partakers, Assigned meeting ratings, and Meeting exports. New export for the Meeting planning board.
  • Meeting Generation Enhancements: Copy settings for easier Meeting generation and undo batches for greater flexibility. New Double booking strategy options are available. Assigned meeting partakers can be merged into each other.

Online Events

Embrace the Power of Online Events! A few small but beautiful updates are available. 💥

  • Time Online Metric: Gain valuable insights on participant engagement with the new “Time online” metric under AdministerStatisticsActivity.
  • Vimeo Integration Enhancements: Upload background images and subtitles to Vimeo videos directly from InvitePeople for a more polished presentation.

Registration, Payments, and Waiting Lists

Supercharge Your Events with InvitePeople’s Latest Registration and Payments Enhancements! 🎟️

  • Registration Enhancements: Flexibility with ticket selection, Force buyers to select the minimum purchase amount setting added.
  • Ticket type descriptions: Add sub-headings for better clarity on registration pages.
  • Payment Method Updates: Swish and PayPal are now available via Nets Easy.
  • Promo Code Improvements: Generate multiple unique promo codes with ease: enter a prefix and number of copies.
  • PDF Receipts: Order confirmation emails now include PDF receipts for direct payment orders.
  • Waiting Lists: Choose Automatic waiting list mode and set deadlines for queuing participants or use Manual handling of waiting lists.
  • Invoicing Enhancements: Invoices can now be delivered via Email directly from InvitePeople. Keep track of all reminders and invoice emails that have been sent out.

Event Pages and Widgets

We have released some new features for Event Page. These are the latest updates designed to create a more engaging and personalized experience for your participants. 🚀

  • Profile Field Codes: Unveil the power of profile field codes for Event pages, which are now available for use. Just like in Email batches, these codes enable you to showcase internal profile field values directly to your attendees.
  • Footer Menu Option: Customize your Event page footers with a new option, perfect for adding terms, imprints, and cookie policies. Make important information easily accessible for logged-in users, registration, and public pages.
  • Widgets & Content Blocks: Transform your Event pages with the newly introduced concept of Content Blocks. Replace the old HTML page type with versatile blocks of Rich Text, Video, or HTML. Streamline your page editing with Widgets that can be integrated into any Event page using Codes.

API Updates

Upgrade your event management experience with InvitePeople’s latest API updates. We’re thrilled to announce a series of updates to the InvitePeople REST API that will empower you to take your event management to new heights! Here’s a quick rundown of the enhancements. 👩‍💻

  • Version 2.2.11: Gain more control over profile fields with two new endpoints for updating and deleting profile field values. Say goodbye to manual adjustments!
  • Version 2.2.10: Fetch user details and profile field values effortlessly with two additional endpoints that streamline your data retrieval process.
  • Version 2.2.9: Stay informed with the new Webhook kind participant_updated – never miss an update on your event participants again!
  • Version 2.2.8: Benefit from enriched Organization and Event objects, as we’ve added new properties to help you manage events with greater precision.
  • Version 2.2.7: Access new endpoints for Event and Participant objects, providing even more flexibility in managing your event data.
  • Version 2.2.6: Enhance your ticket management with new endpoints and properties for the Ticket object, making ticketing operations smoother than ever.

For more details, visit our documentation at

December, 2022

Hi again! Long time no see! October and November is usually our busiest months, filled with B2B events, internal conferences, exhibitions, and webinars. That didn’t stop us from releasing some of the greatest changes in InvitePeople’s history! Let’s start with the icing on the cake: emoji reactions are now available in all video meeting rooms! 🎉

A whole new administrator backend

We finally released our new administrator backend, which has been in the making for a long time. We hope you enjoy the more up-to-date design, smoother navigation, mobile friendlier, and more spacious admin UI.

Not just that! The whole thing is available in German, and every administrator can freely choose which language to use regardless of the event’s language settings. 🇩🇪

Keeping usability top of mind

Usability is often in the small things. Tiny little shortcuts, features, or changes that make your life a lot easier. We always try to find these and add them where possible.

Mobile number quality should increase since we added a new input field for phone numbers. Users will be able to enter their numbers in the local format that they are used to, the numbers are thoroughly validated and converted to international format so that you can send text messages to them.

Got lots of participants that should become company representatives? Click on the Connect to company icon in the participants’ list to quickly add them to an existing or new company. We will suggest and pre-fill a company based on the participant’s profile data.

More flexibility and using our features in different ways

We love it when we can allow more usage of our existing features by adding a little bit of flexibility to them. Our vision is that InvitePeople should be easy to use out of the box, but advanced users should still be able to modify events and set things up in their way. Sessions have gotten some more settings so that you can control which views to use, list view, schedule, or both. Company representatives can be set up so that the company name from their profile is visible instead of the connected company’s name.

A great example of flexibility is our new Engagement score feature. If you are familiar with the Gamification feature, the Engagement score works in the same way. It is just that the participants aren’t aware that they are collecting points. No leaderboard, no notifications, and no game plans. The Engagement score feature allows you to measure the participants’ engagement, interactions, and actions in events. What to measure is totally up to you!

Our ticketing system keeps evolving. The latest big addition to the suite is Personal additional tickets. This allows participants to buy or register for add-ons in the second step of registration. Selling lunch coupons, bar tickets, or bus transfers? Your imagination is the limit!

Meetings and matchmaking is one of our top priorities

Our story started with matchmaking many years ago, and we put pride in trying to deliver one of the best meeting platforms out there! We have released lots of updates to our Assigned meetings feature, where participants can rate who they like to meet, and you can auto-generate a meeting schedule based on this data.

Handling lots of meetings are time-consuming, and we love to automate things. In many cases though, things need to be done manually. We are dealing with humans after all. Right now we are adding lots of convenient functionality. For example, you can now control if notifications should be sent out when accepting or declining meetings on behalf of a participant.

The good old imports, exports, and APIs

Imports, exports, and the API are being updated continuously. We added a new import for lecturers, speakers, and moderators. Many of the exports can now be filtered so that you don’t have to pull all the data every time. The API has gotten two new versions, with more data for you to fetch.

Security-related changes that you should be aware of

Why are you suddenly getting New login to InvitePeople emails? Because we care about you! We understand these emails can become a bit annoying, but the benefits greatly outweigh the drawbacks. You should get one of these emails every time you log out and in again or log in from a new browser or device. This is to keep your account safe and make you aware of any unauthorized access to it.

Please beware that the Location presented in the email is approximate, and it might not be correct if you connect to the internet using a VPN.

If you are worried someone else is logging in to your account, please change your password, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help!

September, 2022

Hi again! The InvitePeople team has been back from a well-needed vacation for some time now. We dearly hope that you have gotten the time to relax during the summer as well, having energy for lots of event creation. Looking at the coming fall and event season, one thing is certain: the physical event is back in business and the virtual event is here to stay! This is where we at InvitePeople thrive. We want to deliver the best services including everything from printing name badges on-site to global low latency live streaming. Right now we’re busy ordering more hardware for on-site events to match the increasing demand for things like print-on-demand and entrance scanning.

Make your InvitePeople event local – more languages!

The possibilities when localizing your events have increased a lot. We now allow you to select as many languages as you like for your event. Every event still has a main language but you may add multiple other backup languages. Translating content is a tedious job, so in addition to this, we replaced the language toggle on top of the input fields and list all available languages below each other. This will make it easier to overview what’s left to translate, and we’ll save you some clicks.

Three more languages are now generally available in InvitePeople: GermanFrench, and Norwegian. Adding English and Swedish to that list gives us good coverage for the Nordics and DACH region, and many other parts of the world.

A smoother participant journey and better administrative tools

We have reworked the way users log in to InvitePeople. A new welcoming user dashboard is the starting point for all users that don’t enter an event directly. From there you will find your account settings, and your events and have quick access to your next upcoming event. You can find your account anywhere on the website, just click on your initials in the main menu.

A new type of participant login link is available for you as an administrator. The new link, called Login link, is always available and can be sent out to participants having trouble joining an event. It differs from the Password link in that it only gives access to one specific event and the participant does not have to choose a password, they just have to do one click.

New search filters for administrators now let you find not only the confirmed participants but also the disabled and invited participants that don’t have access to the event anymore. A change log is available for each participant, showing administrators for example when the participant was created, disabled, confirmed, or updated. This also answers the sometimes vital question: who updated the participant?

Meetings and meeting places for all events: virtual, physical, and hybrid

Our meeting places, central when configuring matchmaking and one-to-one meetings in InvitePeople have gotten a big lift. We have reworked texts, and explanations, and done many small adjustments to make them easier to understand and use. You can get an overview of your meeting places at Administer → Meetings → Meeting places. Meeting rooms has a new calendar view where you can view all meetings booked in a specific room.

Especially when doing physical events, you might want to export meetings to a spreadsheet or get easy-to-read PDF documents of all meetings for a participant, company, or a specific meeting room. These exports can now be pulled from more places by administrators and the meeting PDF:s looks a little bit better, with the event logotype in the header.

Hybrid events often turn out complex and put high demands on event platforms. Last but not least, by popular request we have added the possibility to attach Microsoft Teams meeting links to meetings booked in meeting rooms. This comes in handy when some participants are on-site, and others join remotely. These rooms will block the calendar for the meeting room, preventing double bookings, and still allow participants to join through Microsoft Teams from home or the office.

May, 2022

Spring has come to InvitePeople HQ in Stockholm, and with that lots of energy for a summer full of events. In our experience, the B2B event season has been extended since the pandemic virtual events boom. Events taking place earlier in January and closer to summer vacations. Another rising trend is the Continuous Meeting event concept, allowing events to live longer, sometimes for years! InvitePeople lives for prolonging and digitalizing events and has been since we started in 2008. Many of our latest updates are focused on Continuous Meetings and expect more updates to come around this concept in the future. Longer events put higher demands on event platforms, and we will keep pushing to stay at the top!

A wide range of improvements

During spring we have released lots of smaller improvements making InvitePeople a little bit better, step by step. To mention a few but not all:

  • Video meetings now have Background effects allowing users to blur or choose a virtual background.
  • The Disable participant feature allows administrators to temporarily or permanently disable all access for a participant to an event, without removing any data.
  • There is a new tab under Customize content for the Order confirmation page so that administrators can customize the last step in the order flow a bit more.
  • The Interactivity add-ons have been improved and give administrators more control over the chat.

Time zones, Meetings, Matchmaking, and Continuous Meetings

Meetings and Matchmaking functionality are a top priority for us. These updates will come in handy for longer events, virtual global events, and events with speed meetings.

  • A new time zone menu is available for participants joining from different time zones. Participants can themselves choose which time zone to view the event in, the default event time zone, or their own. When changing time zone they will see all times presented in their local time. A handy clock in the main nav bar shows the current time.
  • Participants can now click on Subscribe to calendar to import their personal InvitePeople calendar into an Outlook, Apple, Google, or other calendar apps. Meeting and session changes in InvitePeople will keep in sync with the calendar app.
  • We created a new meeting generation wizard for speed meetings. Administrators can automatically generate meetings between groups of participants or companies. Either generate meetings randomly or let participants rate each other and use our matchmaking algorithm to create an optimized meeting schedule.

New InvitePeople Leads app in the App Store and Google Play

We recently released our new lead scanning app: InvitePeople Leads. It is available in the Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. The app allows exhibitors and partners to scan badges and name tags to collect contact information about the people they meet during events.

The app lets company administrators build their lead forms with multiple questions and fields of their preference. The new app works seamlessly with the online lead retrieval function, which has gotten a lift as well with an easier-to-use UI and more customization options.

Better control of data, API updates, and Federated SSO

When using InvitePeople we want you to be in full control of your data and your event participants. We keep adding more features to our exports, imports, and API:s.

  • We’ve released multiple updates and additions to our exports, including a whole new section for the Advanced session participant search. This allows administrators to pull lists of participants for a specific group of sessions.
  • New columns have been added to our imports, for example, to control check-in and chat settings for sessions.
  • The Add/remove participants function for sessions has gotten a whole lot better. It is now easy to quickly pre-book groups of participants for sessions, even for very large events.
  • Two new updates of the InvitePeople REST API have been released including webhooks and email sending capabilities. We are also broadening our offer for the Enterprise Federated Single Sign-On feature, now having support for SAML 2.0.

February, 2022

We are only a month into the new year and we have already completed lots of events! Still mostly digital events and of course also some pivots from physical due to Omicron and new restrictions. We carry on, developing InvitePeople with focus on you, our dear customer. Interactivity, emails, support features, imports, and ticket sale VAT configurations have been on the agenda lately. Also, as always we continue pushing our video features. How about a whole new set of technical live stream data, and unlimited file sizes when uploading videos?

Use Best of Breed tools with our Interactivity add-ons

InvitePeople has built in support for polls and Q&A but sometimes you need more complex solutions, maybe including quizzes with points and leaderboards or advanced result views for live streams. We want you to be able to use the tools with the best fit in each situation. That’s why we created Interactivity add-ons and the possibility to integrate Vevox, Slido, Mentimeter, Kahoot and more third party tools into InvitePeople chats. Start up your quiz, competition, Q&A session or polling in your favorite tools and create an Interactivity add-on. Read more on how to use this here.

Lots of improvements for our Emails

The new email sender types, using either InvitePeople as a sender or your company name have been implemented and serving us well. The number of spam reports are going from low to very low. Another important change to fight the spam folder is our new un-subscription feature. It is quicker and easier to say no to all emails from an InvitePeople event, a necessity when sending out lots of emails. As a bonus we created a new, nicer looking and responsive email template that runs a lot better on mobile devices.

Two new features for smoother Support

We think that smooth support to participants is crucial for successful events. You and your team of administrators need to be able to act quickly. Thats why we added two new shortcuts when moderating chats and meetings. A new Send private message icon is now available for chats, allowing administrators to start a private message thread with a participant regardless of whether the initial chat message is hidden or not.

For the Ongoing meetings view, where you in realtime can monitor ongoing 1:1 meetings, we added a Join as administrator button to let admins check in on the meeting if there are participants missing or any other trouble. The button appearance and meeting event list is updated in realtime, giving clear feedback to the support team on which admin joined the meeting and when.

Expanded possibilities with Imports

Some of you are using external systems for handling participants, speakers and especially company representatives such as exhibitors or partners. If so, the new Company representative import will make your event preparations easier. It will allow you to import multiple Company representatives, connecting an unlimited number of participants to companies with the correct respective role.

We also shaped up the Participants and Sessions import functions. When importing or mass updating participants you may now set the time zone in the import file. When importing or mass updating sessions there are lots of new fields and settings for company name, booking kind, ticket type access, turning checkin on or off and the checkin internal link.

Ticket sale VAT configurations

Tax and VAT regulations can be difficult to grasp, especially when selling tickets for digital events to a global audience. Tickets to online events are usually considered digital assets, and are subject to other VAT rules than tickets to physical ones. We now have a wider range of settings to handle this complexity and can offer different kinds of reverse VAT charges for multiple payment methods. Please reach out to us, and we will try to help you set up your events so that you can comply with the regulations that applies to your events.

December, 2021

Fighting the spam folder

We are continuously working on our email sender reputation and the quality of the emails sent from All emails sent from us are authenticated and we consistently score high ratings from email providers. The coming month we will release some updates to ensure even better email delivery, more on that later on. Right now you need to know about one of the breaking changes we are planning for the 17th of January. After that all emails sent from will get a new default sender, and the Reply-To function will be removed. This is to make sure our emails are not flagged as suspect phishing attacks.

The new default sender will be InvitePeople <> and the option to select a sender name per event will be removed. We will offer all our yearly subscription customers to create their own sender name for all of their events, eg. The Company via InvitePeople <>. Please get in touch, and we will help you select an appropriate sender name!

We created new design options for you

We think that creating beautiful events should be simple, and keep developing our rich text editor and design options. Build stunning Netflix-style landing pages by combining the new background image and Card functions.

  • From now on it is possible to upload background images, or choose plain background colors for event pages. The background images will be fixed, and cover the whole page.
  • We added some new settings to allow you to hide or show the headers and breadcrumbs of pages.
  • There is a new content block in the rich text editor: The Card. A card consists of an image and some text or other content. You will be able to make the whole card act as a clickable button, or add one or more smaller buttons to it.
  • We also gave you the possibility to control the background color and opacity of both Jumbotrons and Cards.

Handling meetings has gotten a lot easier

Regardless if you are hosting events with a handful or thousands of meetings, managing and scheduling them should be straight forward.

  • Handlings calendars for participants as an administrator is easier, for example blocking a whole day quickly.
  • We built a whole new administrator booking flow for meetings, where you can search and add multiple participants in one place. You can also quickly schedule a whole company for a meeting.
  • There is a new meeting feature: Draft meetings. A meeting set as Draft will block the booked participants calendars but the meeting details will only be available for administrators.
  • Administrators can export the meetings for specific participants and/or companies to XLSX, CSV, PDF and iCal format.
  • Microsoft Teams meeting now get granular participant reports down to the second. You can export all the Teams meeting sessions to XSLX or CSV.
  • Add notes to meetings that will show to all participants before they join. This is great when there is something all meeting participants need to know.

More video improvements

We never rest when it comes to improving our video features.

  • We recently released a new video meeting recording function that will record in full HD server side. This means that the recording will be independent of the internet connection speed of the user starting the recording.
  • Since a while back our video meeting broadcasts allows up to a 1000 participants. Read more about video meeting participant limits here.
  • We also did some tweaking of our auto play function for live streams and pre recorded lives. The chances of a live stream auto playing with sound on are higher now, and if it would ever mute we added an easy to find button to unmute again.

October, 2021

Many improvements for our administrators

We always strive to make our interface easier to use for you. Still we don’t want to make too many big changes at a time, allowing you and all the other InvitePeople users to adapt gradually. Some of the more prominent improvements can be found in the HTML and CSS editors, in the meetings and calendar handling functions and in video management.

The HTML and CSS editors now allow you to drag-n-drop files straight into the editor. The file will upload to our servers and an URL to the file will be inserted at the cursor in the editor.

Handling participants calendars is easier than ever. You can now for example remove booked sessions and unmark participants as busy from the administrator interface. Managing and rescheduling large meetings with many participants is now straight forward.

For you who upload a lot of videos or use parallel live streams we added a description field to every video. That way you can keep track of which video or live stream is which. When trimming live stream recordings you can assign the new trimmed video directly to a session or add a description to it.

InvitePeople Entrance app in the Apple App Store

We love digital meetings, but are also super thrilled that in-person events are on the rise again! The InvitePeople Entrance app will allow you to scan InvitePeople tickets from your own iOS devices. Just download the app, sign in as an administrator and start scanning. The ticket QR codes can be distributed via text messages and email, or just accessed by the participants by logging in to InvitePeople. The app can be used for entrance ticket validation and statistics, session scanning to ensure pre booked participants their seats and coupon scanning.

Control access to sessions and pages

Many events have different groups and types of participants, and sometimes they should be able to access different information and different sessions. You can now granularly control the participants access to a page or session. Pages can be set to be publicly accessible on the internet for anyone with the link, accessible by logged in participants only, or by participants with a specific ticket.

File uploads in the chat

If you run workshops or webinars and want to share documents or files with the participants this one is for you! You can now, as an administrator or chat moderator, upload files and documents and publish them to all participants in any chat. If you need to collect files from the participants there is a new poll type: File upload. This will allow participants to upload and submit files back to the chat moderator.

August, 2021

Seminars are now called sessions

We are constantly working on making InvitePeople easier to understand both for administrators and participants. Most often we try to make small and gradual changes to the administrator UI, but this summer we renamed one of the most important InvitePeople modules. Seminars are now called sessions to provide a more general and easier to understandable name. You will find the sessions and all the features around them in the same place, but the headline is different.

New features for workshops and breakouts

We have made video meeting workshops and breakouts easier to manage for administrators and moderators. A simple, but easy-to-use raise hand function will allow any participant in a workshop to turn on their camera or microphone until there are twelve active speakers. After that, any person who wants to join the discussion will have to raise their hand and be approved by a meeting moderator. This will allow hosting a larger workshop in a safe way.

When sending participants into breakout rooms, random or pre-booked, most often there are some no-shows and some rooms might end up with too few people in them. We added the ability to manually move single participants into other rooms so that no one will be alone.

Images in chats

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why we added image uploads to our chats. It’s up to you to enable this function for participants, but administrators will always be able to upload and publish images in chats. Be it announcements, advertisements, QR-codes leading to external quizzes or apps, or just mood-boosting pictures.

Trim and publish recordings quickly

InvitePeople have always put our recording and video-on-demand features as a high priority. Participants should be able to access recordings quickly if they miss out on any part of a live stream. It is crucial to give access to video-on-demand content while the event has the participant’s attention. Our new live stream recordings will be available to watch almost instantly when a live stream starts. It usually lags around a minute behind the live stream. Administrators could publish the whole recording in one chunk or use our trimming feature. For a longer live stream, every finished session can be trimmed out of the recording and published fast, sometimes within minutes.

More sponsors in one place with the carousel

We added a shortcode for publishing your sponsor, partner, or exhibitor logotypes in a rotating carousel. With this, administrators can add more logotypes using less space on a page. The sponsor carousel will make an event page a bit more vibrant and exhibit your sponsors in a tasteful way.

Updated payment solutions

Every year the mobile usage of InvitePeople increases and this shouldn’t affect your revenue. We updated our credit card payment solution to create a better, more user-friendly, and responsive experience for participants.

Actors in the public sector are required by law to use e-invoicing. With our invoicing feature administrators are now able to export invoices to PEPPOL BIS format, a widely used standard for e-invoicing.

May, 2021

We have released new features for chats, allowing participants to like messages and administrators and moderators can view of a toplist of the most liked messages. There are two new import types for: seminar participants and breakout participants. This will give administrators full control over who joins which seminar or breakout session. We also updated our email reporting with open, delivery and bounce statuses for each individual email.

Full HD live streams with ultra low latency

This week we are releasing the first version of our new streaming service. It uses the same back end as Twitch and lets us deliver full HD live streams with very low latency. The standard latency is 10 seconds, much lower than what for instance Vimeo is able to deliver. Switching to low latency mode will let you push the latency below 2 seconds if the stream is correctly configured from the studio.

The new type of live stream also has higher security, let you view recordings before the live stream has ended, provides global RTMP ingestion and allows the studio to send live subtitles. We also updated our video player to increase the probability of auto-playing without muting.

Please contact us if you are interested in trying out the new low latency streams!

New user interface for video meetings

We have updated the user interface for all video meetings in InvitePeople, including 1:1 meetings, workshops and broadcasts. Not only does it look better and is a lot easier to use, it handles more participants with cameras on better and has a pre call interface that let participants change their camera and microphone settings before joining 1:1 meetings.

The InvitePeople team have been using the new user interface for our internal meeting rooms for some time, and it will soon be replacing the old meeting rooms for all events. Please contact us, if you’d like to test or use the new interface for an event before it becomes generally available.

InvitePeople in German and Norwegian

We are currently translating InvitePeople into German and Norwegian. The participant views are 99% translated and we would love it if you wanted to run an event with any of these languages. Contact us if you want access to German or Norwegian for your event.

Granular monitoring of Microsoft Teams meetings

We created a Microsofts Teams Bot, that can automatically join the 1:1 meetings booked in InvitePeople. The bot will feedback information on who joins the meetings and when, so that administrators can monitor meetings and get statistics on the actual length and participants of the meetings.

If you are using, or want to use our Microsoft Teams integration, please contact us for more information on the monitoring bot.

April, 2021

We have worked hard with accessibility, foremost improving keyboard navigation compatibility. We updated our REST API with 6 new endpoints and lots of new participant data. Also, it is now possible to fully manage subtitles for videos uploaded in InvitePeople and we added pre recorded live functionality to our Vimeo integration.

Countdown timer

Simple, yet great function to visualize how much time it is left until your event starts. Use the code /*COUNTDOWN*/ in the text editor to include the countdown timer anywhere you like.

New theme: Dark mode

There is a new settings at SettingsCustomize appearanceBranding. Choose between two different themes for your event: light, or dark. The dark theme is alot easier on the eye, and makes the live stream appear more prominent during webinars. And maybe it fits your brand better?

Products, profiles and seminars

It is now possible to create profiles for the company products at SettingsProfilesProduct profiles. Let your exhibitors tag their product pages to make them searchable in the product list. The product list, displaying product pages from all companies, can be added to the menu at SettingsEvent pagesNew sub page.

To bring exhibitors, partners and sponsors forward into the spotlight we added the Related products feature to seminars. Go to AdministerSeminarsThe seminar of choiceProducts and connect any company product pages to the seminar. These product pages will work like ads and be exposed to participants viewing the seminar both on public pages and in the logged in views.

Security settings

We added more control of security and login settings for you at SettingsEvent settingsVisibility & security. Choose the login method that best fit your needs in terms of accessibility and security or limit the number of devices a participants can be logged in from simultaneously to prevent sharing of accounts.

February, 2021

We have improved the experience for mobile users, when watching video and using the chat. The video meeting rooms are now loading alot faster. There is more granualar access control for seminars, and administrator can choose exactly who to give access to a certain seminar.

We launched a new brand, website and admin UI

As you might have noticed, the admin user interface has changed alot in terms of colors and styling. We hope you like it, and that it is a little bit clearer and nicer to the eye. Everything should be found in the same place, just looking a bit different.

New WYSIWYG editor

We have updated our text editor with alot of new functionality. The editor will now preview the content with your event specific branding and styling applied. It is possible to style inserted links into buttons of different colors. You will also be able to insert and manage basic column designs.

Branding settings

We want to make it easier for you to brand and style your events, without HTML or CSS knowledge. Under SettingsCustomize appearanceBranding there are some new settings for just that.

Choose a primary branding color for your event that will apply to buttons, links and more. Paste a web font from for example Google Fonts. Select the navbar style that you like and match your own brand.

Please note, that if you already have custom styling for your event, these settings might conflict with the current styling. Please contact us and we will help you!

Easier access to data

It is now possible to pull data on online participants for any time frame and page. Go to AdministerStatisticsActivity to see who is online now, or was in the past.

Click on Show filters and select the time frame you want to get data on. You will see the total number of uniqe participants, aggregated statistics per page and also a list with every participant online during the selected time frame. Scroll to the very bottom of the page to download the list as XLSX or CSV.

Link seminar checkin to event pages

Internal linking of the seminar checkin button makes it easier to set up, for example, a live streamed track with multiple seminars. Create an Event page with the Page type: Embedded video and paste the embed code of the live stream. Then set the Content for checked in participants of all the seminars in the track to Internal link and choose the event page you created.

Participants will checkin to the seminar as usual, but end up on the same live stream page. When recordings are published for the seminar this won’t affect viewers who keep watching the live stream.

Drop down menus in the navbar

We know that you want to fit a lot of content into your events, and that the size of the navbar is limited. Thats why we introduced drop down menus, making it possible to merge multiple links and pages into one.

Go to SettingsEvent pages and click on New sub page (the Event pages menu option has moved outside of Event settings for quicker access). Chose the Page type: Menu. You can then edit any other page and move it from the navbar into your new menu, using the Visibility settings.

Pre recorded live

Combine the calm of mind of using pre recorded video with a live experience for the participants. You can now upload videos to seminars and set them up as pre recorded live sessions. During the the seminar all participants will be watching live, with no access to seeking in the video. Directly after it finishes the whole video will be available on demand

This feature is still in beta. Please contact us if you are interested and we will look at how to best use it for your event!