Konferensen på Vitalis 2023 består av flera spår med paneldiskussioner, keynote-presentationer och studiosamtal. Större delen av innehållet kommer också göras tillgängligt digitalt via livesändningar och inspelade föreläsningar, tillgängliga on demand.
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Opening Keynote
David Novillo Ortiz, Jakob Forssmed, Tom Lawry, Renée Bengtsson, Boel Mörck, Persephone Doupi
Måndag 22 maj 2023 15:00 - 17:00 Congress Hall
Transitioning from Data to Patient Benefit: A Use-Case
Amira Soliman, Atiye Sadat Hashemi, Jens Lundström, Kobra Etminani, Louise Wandel, Sadi Alawadi
Måndag 22 maj 2023 10:00 - 14:00 G1
MIE: Decision support, English, Enbart på plats, Annat, Avancerad
Separate registration required:, Transitioning from data to a clinical decision support system able tobenefit patients involves a plethora of perspectives within the following domains:clinical, legal, technical, managerial, and system development. This requires multiplepartners such as healthcare providers, universities, authorities and technologyproviders to join forces. In this tutorial the partners Region Halland, SahlgrenskaUniversity Hospital, Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, Halmstad University,AI Sweden, HallandiaV, and the Netherlands eScience Center will give theirperspectives and deep-dive into several of the challenges and possibilities of the realizationof Clinical Decisions Support Systems (CDSS), for the specific use-caseof heart failure readmission prediction.
PANEL: Health Data Sweden – Improving Health Data Use and Access
Elin Jonsson, Emma Börjesson, Lina Nilsson, Louise Wandel, Maria Hägglund, Sara Riggare, Sebastiaan Meijer, Anna Clareborn
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 13:45 - 15:15 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Panel, Avancerad
The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) project Health Data Sweden (HDS), initiated in January 2023, aims to support this development by creating a more effective access to services to regarding digitalisation of the health care system both regionally and nationally, through the use of health data. The HDS connects 17 partners from all over Sweden, who currently offer services in health data and related fields such as digital care and e-health, to various target groups and stakeholders. HDS will also connect with other EDIHs throughout Europe, to transfer knowledge and share best practices concerning the use of health data and related fields, in order to improve healthcare on the EU level.In this panel, we will present some of the main challenges and needs in the health data context identified by the partners behind EDIH-HDS, and discuss how the project will address these obstacles. The five main work packages (the focus of WP1 is primarily administrative) will provide the structure for the presentation. In order to engage the audience and stimulate feedback and discussion, the panel will contain interactive elements throughout.
openEHR Master Class
Erik Sundvall, Mikael Nyström, Silje Ljosland Bakke, Åsa Skagerhult
Måndag 22 maj 2023 10:00 - 14:00 R17
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Annat, Orientering, Avancerad, Chef/Beslutsfattare, Politiker, Verksamhetsutveckling, Upphandlare/inköp/ekonomi/HR, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Omsorgspersonal, Vårdpersonal, Patientorganisationer/Brukarorganisationer, Innovativ/forskning, Uppföljning/Nulägesbeskrivning, Dokumentation
Separate registration required:, openEHR consists of open specifications and clinical models for building healthcare and welfare information systems. This Master Class presents the problems openEHR addresses and how openEHR addresses them using its reference model and the clinical models that consist of archetypes and templates. It will further be explained how openEHR relates to other standards, how openEHR can be localised and implemented and how the organisation openEHR International and its surrounding community work.
What are we talking about when we talk about information-driven care? A Delphi-study on a definition
Elin Siira, Jens Nygren, Petra Svedberg
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 09:30 - 09:35 G1
MIE: Knowledge and Information representation and modeling, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Interdisciplinary Human-Centered AI for Hospital Readmission Prediction of Heart Failure Patients
Amira Soliman, Marcus Petersson, Jens Nygren, Lina Lundgren, Ebba Fogelberg, Petra PetraDryselius, Monika Nair, Kobra Etminani
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:00 - 14:15 G2
MIE: Decision support, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Building A Disease Knowledge Graph
Enayat Rajabi
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:00 - 13:15 G3
MIE: Knowledge and Information representation and modeling, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Explainable Graph Neural Networks for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
Jens Lundström
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 17:00 - 17:05 G3
MIE: Decision support, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Domain Knowledge-Driven Generation of Synthetic Healthcare Data
Atiye Sadat Hashemi
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 11:20 - 11:25 G2
MIE: Patient records, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
A Masked language model for multi-source EHR trajectories contextual representation learning
Ali Amirahmadi, Kobra Etminani
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 11:30 - 11:35 G3
MIE: Decision support, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Ethical Perspectives on Implementing AI to Predict Mortality Risk in Emergency Department Patients – A Qualitative Study
Lena Petersson
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 09:30 - 09:35 G3
MIE: Human Factors and organizational issues, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Parallel Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Abnormal Heart Sound Classification
Ankica Babic, Arash Gharehbaghi, Arash Gharehbaghi
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:00 - 15:15 G2
MIE: Decision support, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Responsible Artificial Intelligence: A Need for Healthcare Applications
Carlos Luis Parra Calderón, Denis Newman-Griffis, Riccardo Bellazzi, Stephane Meystre
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 15:45 - 17:15 G1
MIE: Natural Language Processing, English, Enbart på plats, Panel, Inspiration, Avancerad, Chef/Beslutsfattare, Politiker, Verksamhetsutveckling, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Exempel från verkligheten (goda/dåliga), Nytta/effekt, Innovativ/forskning, Test/validering, Informationssäkerhet, Etik
Remarkable progress in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms performance, and the fast growth in “real world” data available in electronic form generate high hopes for healthcare quality, efficiency, and accessibility improvements. But this game changing progress also causes growing concerns about the effects of growing AI use and its unintended, unanticipated, or even intentionally unethical consequences. Numerous issues and limitations of the algorithms and data used in healthcare and beyond have become more visible, and several organizations and researchers have proposed advice and guidelines to help address these concerns, issues, and limitations. Principles of Responsible AI are now promoted by several important organizations and stakeholders in the AI industry, but there is a need to move these principles towards practical realization and application in real-world scenarios. This panel will address several key aspects of responsible AI in health: explainability and interpretability; bias and fairness; reliability, reusability, and efficiency; privacy and confidentiality protection.
Healthcare Leaders’ Perceptions of the Usefulness of AI Applications in Clinical Work – A Qualitative Study
Lena Petersson
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 09:35 - 09:40 G2
English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Using SNOMED CT to address real-world data challenges
Ian Green
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 08:30 - 09:45 R22
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Workshop, Avancerad
Cross Organizational Health Data Sharing Using the Data Sharing Framework
Hauke Hund, Maximilian Kurscheidt, Simon Mödinger, Simon Schweizer
Måndag 22 maj 2023 10:00 - 14:00 R11
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Annat, Avancerad
Separate registration required:,With this tutorial, participants will gain a detailed insight into the Data Sharing Framework (DSF). The open source DSF enables users to execute biomedical research and healthcare delivery processes across organizations, and the tutorial will demonstrate this with examples from the German Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The tutorial will cover fundamental concepts of distributed processes, the DSFs architecture and key standards such as HL7 FHIR and BPMN 2.0. Participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the DSF by working with different processes in a lab setting. Technical aspects such as authentication and authorization will be covered, as well as guidance on using the DSF for other use cases. This tutorial is designed for those involved in distributed research projects, including project members and software developers, as well as individuals interested in multi-organizational research projects.Additional information:
Client-Side Application of Deep Learning Models through Teleradiology
Sébastien Jodogne
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 14:30 - 14:45 G4
MIE: Sensors, signals and Imaging Informatics, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Deep learning models for radiology are typically deployed either through cloud-based platforms, through on-premises infrastructures, or though heavyweight viewers. This tends to restrict the audience of deep learning models to radiologists working in state-of-the-art hospitals, which raises concerns about the democratization of deep learning for medical imaging, most notably in the context of research and education. We show that complex deep learning models can be applied directly inside Web browsers, without resorting to any external computation infrastructure, thanks to the use of WebAssembly, and we release our code as free and open-source software. This opens the path to the use of teleradiology solutions as an effective way to distribute, teach, and evaluate deep learning architectures.
WORKSHOP: Caring before Sharing - Validating EHR Data in federated and distributed Research Infrastructures
Anne Moen, Ivana Ognjanovic, Johan Gustav Bellika, Jonas Bienzeisler, Susanne Drynda, Thomas Ganslandt
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:45 - 17:15 R22
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Workshop, Avancerad
MIE opening session with Keynote Professor Dipak Kalra
Dipak Kalra
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 12:30 - 13:40 G3
English, Enbart på plats
PANEL: Patients Online Record Access in the Context of the European Health Data Space
Anna Kharko, Anne Moen, Bo Wang, Isabella Scandurra, Josefin Hagström, Maria Hägglund
Onsdag 24 maj 2023 15:45 - 17:15 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Panel, Avancerad
Equal access to health data is far from reality today and there is a lack of comparison between countries. To motivate, understand and increase progress, we start from the position that highlighting current status, sharing evidence related to practices and policies, and identifying major enablers and obstacles across national and regional boundaries is necessary. Therefore, we have invited panel participants to introduce five different countries, representing five different stages of and approaches to patients’ ORA implementation.