Konferensen på Vitalis 2023 består av flera spår med paneldiskussioner, keynote-presentationer och studiosamtal. Större delen av innehållet kommer också göras tillgängligt digitalt via livesändningar och inspelade föreläsningar, tillgängliga on demand.
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Spår: MIE: Posters
The poster session runs in parallel with the entire conference. A poster does not have a specific time for presentation, and therefor is not visible in the ‘Schedule view’ of the program. Use the ‘List view’ and choose the track ‘MIE: Posters’ to see all posters. Poster presenters are encouraged to state the times they will be available at their poster in the description in the program
Alla programpunkterData-Driven Identification of Clinical Real-World Expressions Linked to ICD
Amila Kugic
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
An adaptive digital intelligence system to support infodemic management: The WHO EARS platform
Agnese Pastorino
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Validation rules as first step for Data Quality: Pharmacovigilance Application in Portugal
Bárbara Costa
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
From FAIR4Health project to 1+MG initiative: a Spain – Italy Collaboration.
Carlos Luis Parra Calderón, Mauro Giacomini
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Converting HL7 CDA based nationwide Austrian medication data to OMOP CDM
Florian Katsch
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
An audit of dietitians’ documentation – comparing the level of agreement between the audit instruments Diet-NCP-Audit and NCP-QUEST
Evelina Liljeberg
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
A platform promoting inter-physician interaction to support the management of adverse drug reactions for CLL patients
Panos Bonotis, Pantelis Natsiavas
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Orientering, Avancerad, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Omsorgspersonal, Vårdpersonal, Patientorganisationer/Brukarorganisationer, Styrning/Förvaltning, Innovativ/forskning, Informationssäkerhet
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) cause a significant impact on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL) and vastly increase costs, especially regarding chronic diseases. To this end, we propose a platform that aims at supporting the management of patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), via an eHealth platform facilitating inter-physician interaction and the provision of treatment consultation by a specialized ADR management team comprised of CLL experts.
Medical Semiology Teaching based on Intelligent eLearning
Eustache Muteba Ayumba
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Medical Semiology Teaching based on Intelligent eLearning is an ongoing project. The scope of our study is to emphasis the techno-pedagogy, namely the constructivism and adaptive intelligent learning in medical education for medical students and health professionals seeking to strengthen their knowledge.The semiology on the covid is only one of the phases of the project.
You like pedagogy and the generative AI, join us!
Early experiences of integrating an Artificial Intelligence-based diagnostic decision support system into radiology settings: a qualitative study
Nusa Faric
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Announcement of the German Medical Text Corpus Project (GeMTeX)
Martin Boeker
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
An Integrated Approach to Automated Diagnosis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Digital Histology Images
Tetiana Biloborodova, Inna Skarga-Bandurova, Brid Brosnan
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Clustering similar terms in a clinical problem list
Markus Kreuzthaler, Akhila Naz Kuppassery Abdulnazar
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
A Framework For Evaluating Synthetic Electronic Health Records
Amira Soliman, Emmanuella Budu, Kobra Etminani
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Monday 22 May: 1pm-3pmTuesday 23 May: 1pm-2pm
Assessing Quality of Life using FHIR – How to combine PRO with PGD for better compliance
Chantal Beutter
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Text extraction and standardization system development for pathological records in the Korea Biobank Network
Seol Whan OH, WONA CHOI, Soo Jeong KO, Sunghyeon Park
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Automated Classification of Exercise Exertion Levels Based on Real-Time Wearable Physiological Signal Monitoring
Aileen Gabriel, AREF SMILEY, Joseph Finkelstein
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
A Toolchain for Big Data Analyses in the Intelligent Cognitive Operating Room
Oliver Burgert
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
Combining sequence similarity with physicochemical properties to predict binders for MHC-II molecules
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
An ontology for physiological measurement observables
Anders Thurin
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad
An Enhanced Standardization and Qualification Mechanism for Heterogeneous Healthcare Data
George Manias
Poster Area
MIE: Posters, English, Enbart på plats, Poster, Avancerad