Header image for Vitalis 2023


The conference at Vitalis 2023 consists of several tracks with panel discussions, keynote presentations and studio talks. Most of the content will also be available online via live broadcasts and recorded lectures, available on demand.

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You can filter by topic, seminar type, target audience or time. There are also a number of thematic tracks in the programme.

Register for conference | Vitalis - English

Track: Innovation

25 May - Swedish Digital Health on the international stage , organized by Business Sweden

All sessions





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Profile image for Preparing Swedish Healthcare and Life Science for the Quantum Technology Era

Preparing Swedish Healthcare and Life Science for the Quantum Technology Era

Ebba Carbonnier
Tuesday May 23, 2023 14:30 - 15:00 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Orientation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Innovation/research

Profile image for Digitizing the Female Body: Legal and Ethical Implications in Femtech

Digitizing the Female Body: Legal and Ethical Implications in Femtech

Bethany Corbin
Tuesday May 23, 2023 15:30 - 16:00 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Tools for implementation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Technicians/IT/Developers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Innovation/research, Apps, Information security, Ethics

Profile image for Software based medical devices as tools for innovating treatment pathways

Software based medical devices as tools for innovating treatment pathways

Katrina Laks
Tuesday May 23, 2023 13:30 - 14:00 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Technicians/IT/Developers, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Patient centration, Innovation/research

Profile image for Measuring the real Impact of Healthtech in society by utilizing a unified metric. Could a metric like QALY provide us with a way forward?

Measuring the real Impact of Healthtech in society by utilizing a unified metric. Could a metric like QALY provide us with a way forward?

Aldo Vermiglio
Tuesday May 23, 2023 14:00 - 14:30 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Tools for implementation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Researchers, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Innovation/research, Follow-up/Report of current status

Profile image for Revolutionising Healthcare: Exploring Innovations and Opportunities with EIT Health

Revolutionising Healthcare: Exploring Innovations and Opportunities with EIT Health

Christina Bergstrand, Elin Jonsson, Monica Åberg Yngwe
Thursday May 25, 2023 09:15 - 10:00 F2
Innovation, English, On site only, Other, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Students, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Education (verification), Municipality, Innovation/research, Test/validation, Apps

Profile image for Opportunities for Swedish Digital Health Companies in Europe
Profile image for Opportunities for Swedish Digital Health Companies in Europe,  Africa & North America
Profile image for High value FemTech to enhance women’s global health - Why we need a targeted research agenda?

High value FemTech to enhance women’s global health - Why we need a targeted research agenda?

Caroline Figueroa, Dr. Josephine Sundqvist, PhD, Sarah Wamala-Andersson, Andy Bleaden
Tuesday May 23, 2023 16:00 - 17:00 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Other, Orientation, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Welfare development, Patient centration, Innovation/research

Profile image for Ramsay Santé's Living Labs & Accelerator

Ramsay Santé's Living Labs & Accelerator

Michael Adam Adler, Towa Jexmark
Tuesday May 23, 2023 13:00 - 13:30 F3
Innovation, English, Live broadcast, Presentation, Inspiration, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Test/validation