Spår: HealthTech Award
HealthTech Award is a cooperation between Vitalis and GREAT, celebrating health tech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.
The prize is awarded to an innovative company based in Sweden providing a healthtech solution or product that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life.
The price applicants was offered to upload short pitches.
Winner of HealthTech Award 2021: Boneprox
Award ceremony (Swedish)
Interview of the winner (Swedish)
Thermaiscan Technology AB
Katarina Dalunde Eriksson
HealthTech Award, English, Cutting-edge health and medical technology, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Innovation/research, Test/validation
Our innovation is a breast cancer risk-assessment tool to find early stage breast cancer. We do this by combining our own AI-algorithm, thermal technology and a smartphone. The innovation requires no specialist and is both portable and cost-efficient.The reason is simple: Early detection save lives.
We strengthen the mental health of students and staff with a digital curator. If ONE employee is prevented from entering a burnout, the concept is paid for two years. If ONE student avoids failure at school, ends up in addiction and crime, the concept will be paid for 50 years.
Fall Inte (Don't Fall) is the app where older people get help with a workout created by their grandchildren or someone else who wants to help prevent fall accidents. The children record eleven different exercises that build mobility, balance and strength. The training program is saved in a personal app and an invitation is sent to the person the child wants to train with. The app also notify the users with personal reminders every week.
HealthTech Award, English, Remote Health Care, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Organizational development, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Innovation/research
Acorai is developing the world's first intracardiac pressure monitoring device to help reduce heart failure re-hospitalizations
Boneprox provides the dental industry with AI tools for preventive screening of health conditions and public diseases. With their patented method for detecting risk patients for osteoporosis based on standard dental x-rays, Boneprox helps patients to detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs and thereby gives the patient back control over their own health. Besides their A.I. technology,Boneprox also provides the industry with a unique digital specialist clinic that helps dentists to get in contact with specialists and receive answers to advanced medical conditions within the same day, helping the patients to get answers immediately instead of the traditional waiting lines of up to 8 months.
Care to Translate
Linus Kullänger
HealthTech Award, Svenska, Digital Assistive Technology, Inspiration, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Organizational development, Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Welfare development,, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Apps, Patient safety, Information security, Usability, Ethics
Care to Translate is an award-winning social impact company that develops digital translation tools for the healthcare sector. We solve the problem of language barriers by offering state of the art products that deliver safe and efficient communication between healthcare professionals and patients.
Vitala provides custom-tailored medical exercise to people no matter the medical record, physical capabilities, musculoskeletal problems, goals, or geographical location.
DDAnalytics is a CE-marked system support with ML-technology for automated interpretations of glucose data. DDAnalytics generates automatic analyses and interpretations of the patients’ continuous glucose data enabling diabetes patients to get improved glucose control. Healthcare organizations save times and resources.
Navari’s product is an augmented reality tool made for improving laparoscopic liver surgery and the removal of cancer tumours. It presents the surgeon with a livestreamed AR projection of the tumour and its exact position inside the liver. This helps surgeons to better navigate, enabling them to locate and remove the tumour with high precision.
Scandinavian Phystec AB
Ingela Sjölin
HealthTech Award, Svenska, Rehabilitation and habilitation, Other, Intermediate, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Actual examples (good/bad), Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Test/validation, Apps
Phystec utvecklar ett digitalt hjälpmedel, ’Träningstavlan’, som förbättrar rehabilitering av patienter som genomgått kirurgi eller medicinskt ingrepp. Träningstavlan, som bygger på visualisering och tydligt mål av den ordinerade träningen, gör patienten delaktig i sin egen vård. Därmed bidrar den till ökad rörlighet, snabbare återhämtning och kortare vårdtid.
Arthrilab enables diagnosing osteoarthritis by blood sample analysis. The analysis comprises a grading scheme for osteoarthritis so that, in addition to giving an early diagnosis, the course of the disease can be followed. Hence, treatment can be prescribed earlier to prevent severe disease.