How to Choose the Best

Event Management Software

for Any Event

Event management software is designed to help you plan and manage all kinds of events. With several variations on the market, here is what to look for when selecting the best solutions for your events.

Understanding Event Management Software

Event management software offers a centralized platform for planning and executing all kinds of events, such as conferences, corporate meetings, trade shows, conventions, webinars, and forums. The essence is to provide an all-encompassing solution for event planning, enhancing both the organizer’s and the participant’s experience.

The functionality of Event Management Software

From invitations and registrations to post-event feedback, these software solutions cover every aspect. They streamline processes like ticketing, layout planning, and communication (both email and SMS), and even offer post-event analytics. The aim is to ensure a seamless flow from the beginning to the end of any event.

Why Event Management Software?

It’s your one-stop platform for a range of corporate events:

  • Board Meetings & Annual General Meetings
  • Product launches
  • Employee training sessions
  • Corporate galas & parties
  • B2B conventions & trade fairs
  • Webinars & virtual presentations
  • Ditch the hassle of juggling multiple tools. Dive into a single platform designed for

Essentials for Superior Event Management Software

Core feature for events includes participant management.

Core Event Tools

Equipped with foundational features that streamline both the planning and execution stages, including ticketing, swift check-ins, well-organized seminar schedules, dedicated spaces for speaker and partner showcases, and the capability to curate a custom-branded digital epicenter for every event.

One-on-one meetings are core features for business event of today.

ROI Boosters

Features tailored to enhance sales and elevate return on investment, encompassing seamless CRM integration, efficient lead scanning mechanisms, and intuitive matchmaking for purposeful one-on-one engagements.

Taking part in digital event

Digital Event Capabilities

Provisions to elevate your digital presence with live streaming options, interactive breakout sessions, on-demand video accessibility, and the adaptability to integrate with various leading video platforms as the situation demands.

Get insights from your event management platform and elevate your events.

Insightful Analysis and Reporting

Comprehensive tools that not only gather invaluable data but also derive insights, guiding you to continuously refine and enhance your event strategies over time.

Choose InvitePeople for

Your Next Event

With over a decade of experience, InvitePeople offers world-class, all-in-one event management software tailored for diverse industries. Be it internal meetings, large conferences, or brand-focused events, InvitePeople’s suite of features ensures a seamless, efficient, and memorable event experience.

What Makes InvitePeople Stand Out?

InvitePeople offers all the essential features of comprehensive event management software, plus some unique ones.

  • Resource Saving: Reduce event planning costs and streamline processes.
  • Project Management: One platform for bookings, reservations, check-ins, and more.
  • Automation: This is where scalability meets real-time, accurate communication.
  • Attendee Management: From email confirmations to event reminders, it’s all automated.
  • Event Marketing: Bolster your event’s success with integrated marketing tools.
  • Flexibility: Host in-person, online, and hybrid events.
  • Customization: Tailored events that resonate with your brand.
  • Complex Event Management: Group bookings, seating arrangements, and more, are made easy.
  • Reporting: Real-time tracking of event performance.
  • Digital Platform: From designing digital events to extending their lifespan.
  • Interactive Feedback: Automated follow-ups and facilitated 1-on-1 meetings.
  • Ticketing: Comprehensive ticket management, from creation to distribution.
  • Analysis & Reporting: Tools for Gathering Data and Deriving Insights
  • Event Organizing: Templates, scheduling, and exhibitor registration.
  • Communications: Integrated and automated communication channels.
  • Mobile App: Event access on the go, with gamification and push notifications.
  • Video Content: Video meetings, recordings, and on-demand resources.

Organize your next conference with InvitePeople

Essential integrations

CRM Systems

Seamless integration with platforms like Hubspot, MS Dynamics, and SalesForce ensures that all leads and data are efficiently transferred and managed.

Seating Software

Integration with leading seating software ensures optimal space utilization, enhancing the attendee experience.

MS Teams

One-on-one meetings can be scheduled with InvitePeople’s internal tool or MS Teams if preferred.

Interactivity Tools

Several industry-leading tools for interactivity can easily be integrated into your event.

For Enhanced In-Person Events

Event App

Instant access to communications, tickets, agendas, and every crucial detail about the event.

Lead Scanning

This feature is invaluable for partners and exhibitors, offering a digital way to capture and manage potential leads.


Incorporating scheduling tools and algorithms, MatchMeeting facilitates one-on-one meetings, ensuring attendees connect with the right individuals for meaningful interactions.

Choose InvitePeople for

Your Next Event

With over a decade of experience, InvitePeople offers world-class, all-in-one event management software tailored for diverse industries. Be it internal meetings, large conferences, or brand-focused events, InvitePeople’s suite of features ensures a seamless, efficient, and memorable event experience.

We use InvitePeople because of the platform’s ease of use for small meetings up to the most multifaceted setup for large conferences, both for physical, digital, and hybrid events.

Global Group Meeting Leader at Global Furniture Company

Book your interactive demo with InvitePeople today

InvitePeople offers an all-in-one solution, with the market’s widest range of features. Regardless of whether you are looking for a platform for the next conference or a solution for your entire company’s event and meeting strategy. Book a conversation with one of our event experts and we will tailor a package solution that suits you.