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Spår: MIE: Health information systems
Alla programpunkterWhy are Data Missing in Clinical Data Warehouses? A Simulation Study of How Data are Processed (and can be lost)
Sonia Priou
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:15 - 14:30 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Using SNOMED CT to address real-world data challenges
Ian Green
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 08:30 - 09:45 R22
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Workshop, Avancerad
Users Satisfaction with Recently Deployed Electronic Health Records
Ove Lintvedt, Luis Marco-Ruiz
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 13:45 - 14:00 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Towards Safe Conversational Agents in Healthcare
Kerstin Denecke
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 13:45 - 14:00 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Towards a national portal for medical research data (FDPG): Vision, Status and Lessons Learned
Hans-Ulrich Prokosch
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 16:30 - 16:45 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Towards a Consistent Representation of Contradictions within Health Data for Efficient Implementation of Data Quality Assessments
Dagmar Krefting, Khalid Olusola Yusuf
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 09:00 - 09:15 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Timeline of and Expectations for the National Medication List in Sweden
Mikael Hoffmann
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:45 - 15:00 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
'Quer N0 AVC' for monitoring stroke patients' healthcare using a mobile app
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 08:45 - 09:00 G2
MIE: Health information systems, English, Förinspelat + På plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Post hoc sample size estimation for deep learning architectures for ECG-classification
Lucas Bickmann
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:45 - 16:00 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Orientering, Avancerad, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Innovativ/forskning
Traditional sample size estimation for sufficient model performance is not applicable for machine learning, especially in the field of electrocardiograms (ECGs). This presentation outlines a sample size estimation strategy for binary classification problems on ECGs. The post-hoc sample size estimations are based on a benchmark across different architectures and different classification targets. The results indicate trends for required sample sizes for given tasks and architectures, which can be used as orientation for future ECG studies or feasibility aspects.
Patients' Experiences of Unwanted Access to their Online Health Records
Annika Bärkås
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:00 - 15:05 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Patient Registration Work of Medical Secretaries in the Era of Data-Driven Healthcare
Casper Knudsen
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:45 - 15:00 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Optimization of Pre-Ictal Interval Time Period for Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Temporal and Frequency Features
Abdul Aleem Shaik Gadda
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 09:15 - 09:30 G2
MIE: Health information systems, English, Förinspelat + På plats, Presentation, Avancerad
openEHR Master Class
Erik Sundvall, Mikael Nyström, Silje Ljosland Bakke, Åsa Skagerhult
Måndag 22 maj 2023 10:00 - 14:00 R17
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Annat, Orientering, Avancerad, Chef/Beslutsfattare, Politiker, Verksamhetsutveckling, Upphandlare/inköp/ekonomi/HR, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Omsorgspersonal, Vårdpersonal, Patientorganisationer/Brukarorganisationer, Innovativ/forskning, Uppföljning/Nulägesbeskrivning, Dokumentation
Separate registration required: https://www.mie2023.org/tutorials, openEHR consists of open specifications and clinical models for building healthcare and welfare information systems. This Master Class presents the problems openEHR addresses and how openEHR addresses them using its reference model and the clinical models that consist of archetypes and templates. It will further be explained how openEHR relates to other standards, how openEHR can be localised and implemented and how the organisation openEHR International and its surrounding community work.
Nationally shared medication lists – describing systems in the Nordic countries
Tora Hammar, Trine Bergmo, Unn Sollid Manskow, Anette Vik Jøsendal
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:00 - 14:15 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Low Valence Low Arousal stimuli: An Effective Candidate for EEG-based Biometrics Authentication System
Jahanvi Jeswani, Praveen Kumar Govarthan, Tikaram
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 14:15 - 14:30 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Förinspelat + På plats, Presentation, Verktyg för implementering, Introduktion, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Vårdpersonal, Innovativ/forskning
Electroencephalography (EEG) has recently gained popularity in user authentication systems since it is unique and less impacted by fraudulent interceptions. Although EEG is known to be sensitive to emotions, understanding the stability of brain responses to EEG-based authentication systems is challenging. In this study, we compared the effect of different emotion stimuli for the application in the EEG-based biometrics system (EBS). Initially, we pre-processed audio-visual evoked EEG potentials from the ‘A Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals’ (DEAP) dataset. A total of 21 time-domain and 33 frequency-domain features were extracted from the considered EEG signals in response to Low valence Low arousal (LVLA) and High valence low arousal (HVLA) stimuli. These features were fed as input to an XGBoost classifier to evaluate the performance and identify the significant features. The model performance was validated using leave-one-out cross-validation. The pipeline achieved high performance with multiclass accuracy of 80.97% and a binary-class accuracy of 99.41% with LVLA stimuli. In addition, it also achieved recall, precision and F-measure scores of 80.97%, 81.58% and 80.95%, respectively. For both the cases of LVLA and LVHA, skewness was the stand-out feature. We conclude that boring stimuli (negative experience) that fall under the LVLA category can elicit a more unique neuronal response than its counterpart the LVHA (positive experience). Thus, the proposed pipeline involving LVLA stimuli could be a potential authentication technique in security applications.
Local Data Quality Assessments on EHR-based Real-world Data for Rare Diseases
Kais Tahar
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 08:45 - 09:00 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Learning from Health Professionals: A User-Centred Approach to Design a Wound Monitoring Platform
Beatriz Félix, Ricardo Melo
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:05 - 15:10 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Implementation, Adoption and Use of the Nationwide Kanta Services in Finland 2010-2022
Vesa Jormanainen
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 16:15 - 16:30 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Identifying Relevant FHIR Elements for Data Quality Assessment in the German Core Data Set
Christian Draeger
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 08:30 - 08:45 G3
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
We suggest a process for finding elements of interest from FHIR profiles to support the setup of data quality assessments for data stored in FHIR servers.
Identifying and Predicting Postoperative Infections Based on Readily Available Electronic Health Record data
Siri Van Der Meijden
Tisdag 23 maj 2023 15:00 - 15:05 G1
MIE: Health information systems, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad