The conference at Vitalis 2023 consists of several tracks with panel discussions, keynote presentations and studio talks. Most of the content will also be available online via live broadcasts and recorded lectures, available on demand.
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You can filter by topic, seminar type, target audience or time. There are also a number of thematic tracks in the programme.
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Track: MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation
All sessionsCross Organizational Health Data Sharing Using the Data Sharing Framework
Hauke Hund, Maximilian Kurscheidt, Simon Mödinger, Simon Schweizer
Monday May 22, 2023 10:00 - 14:00 R11
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
Separate registration required: https://www.mie2023.org/tutorials,With this tutorial, participants will gain a detailed insight into the Data Sharing Framework (DSF). The open source DSF enables users to execute biomedical research and healthcare delivery processes across organizations, and the tutorial will demonstrate this with examples from the German Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The tutorial will cover fundamental concepts of distributed processes, the DSFs architecture and key standards such as HL7 FHIR and BPMN 2.0. Participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the DSF by working with different processes in a lab setting. Technical aspects such as authentication and authorization will be covered, as well as guidance on using the DSF for other use cases. This tutorial is designed for those involved in distributed research projects, including project members and software developers, as well as individuals interested in multi-organizational research projects.Additional information: https://dsf.dev/tutorials/MIE2023.html
Swiss Personalized Health Network- SPHN Schema Forge
Sabine Österle
Tuesday May 23, 2023 09:30 - 10:00 Open Seminar Area
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
A Novel Platform for Widespread Hearing Impairment Screening and PrEvention of Risk (WHISPER)
Alessia Paglialonga, Marta Lenatti
Tuesday May 23, 2023 10:00 - 10:30 Open Seminar Area
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, Open Seminar Area, English, On site only, Other, Tools for implementation, Introductory, Management/decision makers, Politicians, Technicians/IT/Developers, Researchers, Students, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Innovation/research, Test/validation, Apps
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
Digital citizen services, digital health literacy and more relevant health information to drive patient engagement
Anne Moen, Lene Lunde, Petter Hurlen, Sigurd Maurud
Tuesday May 23, 2023 10:15 - 11:45 G4
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Panel, Advanced
It is an obvious paradox that we as citizens, present in all clinical health encounters, lack tools to take full advantage of ongoing digital transformation in health care. In this panel we will discuss user needs and design of digital tool to improve access to personally relevant health information from trusted sources. Of special interest is adherence to treatment. The attendees can learn about opportunities to “collect, curate and control” relevant, personal health information, and digital services for personal health data and access trustworthy, up-to-date information that better meet situated, everyday needs.
Demonstrating Privacy Preserving Analysis Using vantage6
Djura Smits, Florian Van Daalen
Tuesday May 23, 2023 10:30 - 11:00 Open Seminar Area
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, Open Seminar Area, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
Goupile : A New Paradigm for the Development and Implementation of Clinical Report Forms
Antoine Lamer
Tuesday May 23, 2023 11:00 - 11:30 Open Seminar Area
Open Seminar Area, MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
One Digital Health for OneAquaHealth: Bridging human health and wellness to interdisciplinary biodiversity preservation
Anne Moen, Oscar Tamburis, Arriel Benis, Dirk S. Schmeller, Maria João Feio, oscar Tamburis, Catherine Chronaki
Tuesday May 23, 2023 13:45 - 15:15 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
From Bench to Bedside to Healthcare System - Reimagining Data Sharing to solve Challenges in Personalized Medicine
Christian Fegeler, Stefan Sigle, Maximilian Kurscheidt, Andrew Nguyen
Tuesday May 23, 2023 13:45 - 15:15 R23
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
Where Medical Informatics Can Help to Prevent Rare Diseases from Vanishing in Hospital Information Systems
Dagmar Krefting, Holm Graessner, Ana Rath, Peter N. Robinson, Tamara Martin
Tuesday May 23, 2023 15:45 - 17:15 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Panel, Advanced
WORKSHOP: Caring before Sharing - Validating EHR Data in federated and distributed Research Infrastructures
Anne Moen, Ivana Ognjanovic, Johan Gustav Bellika, Jonas Bienzeisler, Susanne Drynda, Thomas Ganslandt
Tuesday May 23, 2023 15:45 - 17:15 R22
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
WORKSHOP: Requirements for a Digital Therapeutics (DTx) Design and Trial Service: An Expert Workshop
Kerstin Denecke, Tobias Kowatsch
Tuesday May 23, 2023 15:45 - 17:15 R23
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
It is of utmost importance to understand better the requirements for a Digital Therapeutics (DTx) design and trial service that supports the design of DTx and their efficient evaluation via feasibility studies, optimization trials (e.g., micro-randomized trials), efficacy or effectiveness trials (e.g., randomized controlled trials). This workshop has, therefore, the objective of gathering such requirements by applying the World Café methodology and discussing several complex care scenarios. We welcome participants with various backgrounds (e.g., technical, regulatory, medical, ethical) who bring in different perspectives.
HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide for Health Activity: the way forward in EHDS
Catherine Chronaki
Wednesday May 24, 2023 08:30 - 09:45 R22
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
Predicting Family Implementation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Autism Online Communities
Zhenni Ni
Wednesday May 24, 2023 09:40 - 09:45 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Presentation, Inspiration, Advanced, Management/decision makers, Care professionals, Healthcare professionals, Patient/user organizations, Benefits/effects, Patient centration, Management, Patient safety
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is widely adopted by families with autistic children. This study aims to predict family caregivers' CAM implementation based on the behavioral (degree and betweenness), environmental (positive feedback and social persuasion), and personal features (language style) of family caregivers in online communities.
CAPSML: Bridging the Gap Between Clinicians, Lived Experience Experts, and Artificial Intelligence Systems for Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes
Chirath Hettiarachchi
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:05 - 10:35 Open Seminar Area
Open Seminar Area, MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Pre-recorded + On-site, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
Using Electronic Health Record Real-World Data in Prospective Clinical Studies
Meredith Zozus
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:15 - 11:45 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Panel, Advanced
An open source solution for smart infection control based on an interoperability standard
Pascal Biermann
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:35 - 11:05 Open Seminar Area
Open Seminar Area, MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
A demonstration of an open source software prototype for improving infection control in hospitals called Smart Infection Control System (SmICS). It provides services for tracing contacts between patients, showing in-depth details for microbiological findings, patients movements and wards and offers epidemiological curves without having a vendor-dependent data storage within the application, because it is fully based upon an open interoperability standard (openEHR).
CliniDeID, an Open Source Solution for Accurate Clinical Text De-Identification
Stephane Meystre
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:05 - 11:35 Open Seminar Area
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, Open Seminar Area, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The automatic de-identification of clinical narrative text offers efficient patient data privacy protection and eases reuse of clinical data. CliniDeID applies an ensemble method combining deep and shallow machine learning with rule-based algorithms and is released as free and open-source solution to de-identify unstructured clinical text with high accuracy. It was recently evaluated with a selection of clinical text corpora and reached high sensitivity and positive predictive value.
TeamCompass – Implementation of a Nursing Record Software with over 700 Structured Care Pathways, Reducing Overtime Work of Nurses.
Akihiro Nakao, Satoko Tsuru
Wednesday May 24, 2023 11:35 - 12:05 Open Seminar Area
Open Seminar Area, MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
The CAPABLE (Cancer Patients Better Life Experience) pilot-ready system demonstration
Giordano Lanzola, Silvana Quaglini
Wednesday May 24, 2023 12:05 - 12:35 Open Seminar Area
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, Open Seminar Area, English, On site only, Other, Advanced
The MIE conference has always been a hub for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This year was no exception several demonstrators showcase their unique solutions to healthcare problems. Use the opportunity to take a closer look at some of the most striking demonstrators present at the conference, highlighting their diversity and the potential impact they could have on various healthcare-related challenges
PANEL: Health Data Sweden – Improving Health Data Use and Access
Elin Jonsson, Emma Börjesson, Lina Nilsson, Louise Wandel, Maria Hägglund, Sara Riggare, Sebastiaan Meijer, Anna Clareborn
Wednesday May 24, 2023 13:45 - 15:15 J2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, On site only, Panel, Advanced
The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) project Health Data Sweden (HDS), initiated in January 2023, aims to support this development by creating a more effective access to services to regarding digitalisation of the health care system both regionally and nationally, through the use of health data. The HDS connects 17 partners from all over Sweden, who currently offer services in health data and related fields such as digital care and e-health, to various target groups and stakeholders. HDS will also connect with other EDIHs throughout Europe, to transfer knowledge and share best practices concerning the use of health data and related fields, in order to improve healthcare on the EU level.In this panel, we will present some of the main challenges and needs in the health data context identified by the partners behind EDIH-HDS, and discuss how the project will address these obstacles. The five main work packages (the focus of WP1 is primarily administrative) will provide the structure for the presentation. In order to engage the audience and stimulate feedback and discussion, the panel will contain interactive elements throughout.