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What does it take to bring a Digital Therapeutics app to market? Passed

Tuesday May 14, 2024 16:10 - 16:35 A6

Lecturer: Steffen Lerche

Track: Hälsoappar

Across Europe the demand for resources in the Health sector is growing faster than the supply, and there is a growing consensus that Digital Therapeutics Apps with their ability to reach a wide part of the population at scale, and in a cost efficient way, is part of the solution.
But development of medical grade apps, that have clinical evidence and satisfy the strictest quality standards is expensive, and vendors need to know how they can be adopted and reimbursed by the healthcare system, before they develop and deploy solutions that can benefit the patients.
SelfBack is an example of one of the few medical grade apps with clinical evidence. SelfBack takes part in the EU harmonisation work of Health Technology Assessments and in this session SelfBack will share their experience from different European countries, and give an overview of how the Swedish/Nordic market access, reimbursement and regulations compares to the rest of Europe from a manufactures point of view.





Seminar type

Pre-recorded + On-site

Lecture type


Objective of lecture


Level of knowledge


Target audience

Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR


Actual examples (good/bad)
Law, Judicial procedures




Profile image for Steffen Lerche

Steffen Lerche Lecturer


SelfBack is probably the only app in Scandinavia which is approved for reimbursement.
Steffen has a deep insight into the global DTx agenda. He is known for pushing the Healthcare digitalization agenda. He has previously been CEO Denmark for Cambio Healthcare Systems and IBM Healthcare.