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Profile image for Region Stockholm - Center of health data

Region Stockholm - Center of health data Passed

Thursday May 16, 2024 09:05 - 09:20 F1

Lecturer: Helene Spjuth

Track: The European Health Data Space; a health specific ecosystem

During the spring of 2024 the EU Commission will most probably decide on the final version of the European Health Data Space, and also the timeline for implementation. The aim of the EHDS is to increase access for both primary and secondary use across member states, and thereby create a flow of health data within the union, but under a clear regulation. The EHDS focuses both on primary use of health data (for example providing care and sharing data during a health crisis), and on how to organize electronic health care records to increase their capacity of interoperability. Finally, a major aim with the EHDS is to increase access to health data for research and innovation, so called secondary use.

The Centre for Health Data (CHD), which is part of Region Stockholm coordinates requests for health data for research and innovation purposes. This presentation will describe barriers and possibilities with providing health data during the current system, and how the EHDS may impact regional work with health data provision. 




Data and Information

Seminar type

Live broadcast

Lecture type


Objective of lecture


Level of knowledge


Target audience

Management/decision makers
Organizational development


Actual examples (good/bad)
Follow-up/Report of current status




Profile image for Helene Spjuth

Helene Spjuth Lecturer

Centrum för hälsodata, Region Stockholm

Helene har över 20 års erfarenhet från hälsodataområdet från såväl anställningar i regioner som flertalet nordiska roller på globala mjukvaru-, medical device- och management konsultföretag. I sin roll som chef för Centrum för hälsodata i Region Stockholm är Helene ansvarig för samordningen av inkomna förfrågningar om sekundäranvändning av regionala hälsodata samt metodutvecklingsfrågor kopplat till användning och delning av hälsodata.