09. Education and media in national minority languages Passed
Thursday November 23, 2023 10:00 - 11:00 CET Sally
Moderator: Camille Parguel
Panelists: Göran Lahti, Maarit Jaakkola, Nadja Grundström Fjellner, Valeria Redjepagic
What does the right to education mean for national linguistic minorities? Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani, Sami and Yiddish are the five legally recognised national minority languages in Sweden. Different laws guarantee national linguistic minorities’ rights. For example, Sweden’s Act on National Minorities and Minority Languages (2009) and Education Act (2010) highlight the responsibility of public institutions in promoting national minority languages and mention children’s right to receive certain educational activities in these languages at preschool and primary level. But education in national minority languages remains a challenge because of a lack of national minority language teachers, courses and educational material. As learning a language also means immersing oneself in a culture, media in national minority languages are central to the realisation of national linguistic minorities’ right to education. However, access to media in these languages is difficult due to insufficient funding and under-representation in the media landscape. In this panel, we address the challenges and good practices related to education and media consumption in national minority languages in Sweden.
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Rätten till utbildning
Antirasism och minoriteter
Intresserad allmänhet
Camille Parguel ModeratorExhibitor
University of Gothenburg
Doctoral student at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg
Göran Lahti Panelist
Operations manager at the National language centre for Meänkieli in Övertorneå, Institute for language and folklore, former chief editor at Akelius language courses and former principal for elementary schools in Pajala municipality
Maarit Jaakkola Panelist
Associate professor at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg, board member at the Sweden Finnish Delegation and co-director at the centre for Nordic media research Nordicom, University of Gothenburg
Nadja Grundström Fjellner Panelist
Project leader for Julla Májja - den samiska biblioteksbussen, a collaboration between the V8 libraries and the Sami co-ordinators
Valeria Redjepagic Panelist
Adjunct teacher in Critical Romani studies at Södertörn University and consultant focusing on Roma inclusion strategy for the city of Trollhättan