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Profile image for 14. Women’s Movement building in Southern Africa: The guardians of land, seeds, life and nature

14. Women’s Movement building in Southern Africa: The guardians of land, seeds, life and nature Passed

Thursday November 23, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 CET Maria

Speakers: Flaida Macheze, Reinette Heunis, Rejoice Patience Chikakuda
Moderator: Louise Lindfors

Afrikagrupperna invites you to an international seminar with guests from Rural Women's Assembly from Southern Africa. The seminar aim to discuss alternative educational plattforms, reimagine methods and highlight examples from a feminist perspective in Southern Africa.  

According to the State of Climate in Africa 2021 report extreme weather and climate change undermine human health and safety, food and water security as well as socio-economic development. Although African countries only account for around 2-3% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, the continent is disproportionately affected by the effects. Droughts, floods and other natural disasters constantly recur on the African continent, forcing people to leave their homes. In 2019 alone, over 2.2 million people were affected by the cyclones Kenneth and Idai in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. In dealing with climate crises and injustice, movements and infomal actors are in the frontline demanding the change. 

Movements are fundamental actors for change, where the people most affected drive their own actions, speak for themselves and lead others in the communities. Movements have created safe spaces for people to push for change and have impact when redefining the capitalistic exploitative system that excites and has been contributing to environmental destruction and human rights violation. 

Afrikagruppernas guest from Southern Africa, The Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) is a self-organised movement or alliance of national rural women’s movements and grassroots organisations of peasant, unions and federations across nine countries in Africa. RWA aims to strengthen rural women in the defence of their commons (Land, sea, water, seeds and ecosystem) by building voices through education and movement building. 

This panel will be moderated by Afrikagruppernas Secretary General, Louise Lindfors. 

Reinette Heunis, Small-scale farmer, Rural Women’s Assembly and small scale farmer, South Africa
Rejoice Chikauda, Head of Policy and Communications at National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi (NASFAM), Rural Women’s Assembly, Malawi. 
Flaida Macheze, Rural and international development professional, Rural Women’s Assembly & UNAC, Moçambique 




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Profile image for Flaida Macheze

Flaida Macheze Speaker

Rural Women's Assembly

Flaida Macheze, Rural and international development professional, Rural Women’s Assembly & UNAC, Moçambique

Profile image for Reinette Heunis

Reinette Heunis Speaker

Rural Women's Assembly

Reinette Heunis, 43 years old, coming from a small rural community called Suurbraak in the Western Cape of South Africa.

I'm a proud mother of to 2 sons, Seymour and Rudi and and a loving partner Tyron

My passion for farmers starts more then 20 years where I was part of a group who have been planting variety of crops and sold in the community.

I continue with growing vegetables and therefore become part of RWA who is fighting for access to land for Small holder farmers who need access to land for growing more crops

Im passionate about creating spaces for women to do education around the importance of food sovereignty and climate change

Throughout the year we will held open days where we do training with women around seeds and how important it is to harvest and save own seeds.

Profile image for Rejoice Patience Chikakuda

Rejoice Patience Chikakuda Speaker

Rural Women's Assembly

A policy and communications specialist with, over 15 years’ experience in policy, lobbying, public relations, campaigns, advocacy and communication.

I originally worked as a journalist and gradually transitioned into Communication for Development, Influencing and Advocacy with Plan International Malawi, Management Sciences for Health and now with NASFAM

With a solid foundation in policy and communication, my work revolves around crafting and promoting equitable agricultural policies, all while amplifying the often-overlooked voices of smallholder farmers particularly targeting women and youth. I passionately engage in strategic advocacy and lobbying efforts, collaborating with various stakeholders to bring about lasting change. My aim is to empower smallholder farmers, ensure sustainable agricultural practices, and create a world where they are valued as the backbone of contributing to food security and social progress.

I am on a mission to make a positive impact on the lives of those who toil tirelessly to feed our communities and sustain our economies.

My journey in the realm of agriculture and smallholder farming began with a deep-seated passion for social justice and rural development. I recognized the significant challenges faced by small-scale farmers, from limited access to resources and markets to unfair trade practices, and decided to be a catalyst for change.

I am driven by the belief that when smallholder farmers thrive, communities thrive. By working together, we can provide them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to break free from the cycle of poverty, build resilience, and contribute to food security and economic development.

Profile image for Louise Lindfors

Louise Lindfors Moderator


Secretary General, Afrikagrupperna