Huvudbild för Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2023
Profilbild för 43. A win-win-win for students, civil society and human rights

43. A win-win-win for students, civil society and human rights Har passerat

Torsdag 23 november 2023 16:30 - 17:30 CET Gerda

Föreläsare: Moreblessing Mbire
Moderator: Anna Bruce
Paneldeltagare: Karolina Markusson, Måns Olsson , Ola Linder

Inequalities in Sweden are increasing, while access to the legal system for groups exposed to human rights violations is decreasing. We need to mobilize the knowledge and energy of students through initiatives such as Clinical Legal Education (CLE). Especially since CLE has proven to be an unparalleled method to teach human rights!

In the Human Rights Clinic at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) and the Faculty of Law at Lund university, law students assist Swedish disability rights organizations in their legal work.

During the event, we tell you what CLE is all about. Teachers present pedagogical gains from CLE, students tell how they were empowered by CLE, and disability rights organizations show how CLE has contributed to their work with human rights.

CLE has existed for a long time in other parts of the world but only recently made its way to Sweden. RWI has been part of the international development of CLE. As an inspiration for us in Sweden, RWI’s Zimbabwe office will tell us what role CLE plays in Zimbabwe.

The seminar is aimed at participants who want to know more about CLE as an educational method and a way to realize human rights, regardless of profession and sector.


Raoul Wallenberg Institutet för Mänskliga Rättigheter


Rätten till utbildning


Lärare och pedagoger










Profilbild för Moreblessing Mbire

Moreblessing Mbire Föreläsare

Moreblessing Mbire is a Program Officer at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (RWI). Moreblessing works with capacity development in Clinical Legal Education at RWIs Zimbabwe office.

Profilbild för Anna Bruce

Anna Bruce Moderator

Raoul Wallenberg Institutet

Anna Bruce is a researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (RWI). Anna is the founder and director of the Lund Disability Human Rights Clinic.

Profilbild för Karolina Markusson

Karolina Markusson Paneldeltagare

Karolina Markusson is an intern at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (RWI) in the area of access to justice. Karolina is a former student at the Lund Disability Human Rights Clinic.

Måns Olsson Paneldeltagare

Måns Olsson is an intern at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (RWI) in the are of access to justice. Måns is a former student at the Lund Disability Human Rights Clinic.

Profilbild för Ola Linder

Ola Linder Paneldeltagare

Institutet för Mänskliga Rättigheter

Ola Linder is a lawyer at the Swedish Institute for Human Rights. Ola has previously worked with the Lund Disability Human Rights Clinic on behalf of organization of persons with disabilities.