Profile image for Keynote speech 7, Runa T. Hellwig: Appropriate indoor environmental control - Where are we and where do we want to be on the scale from automatic to personal control?

Keynote speech 7, Runa T. Hellwig: Appropriate indoor environmental control - Where are we and where do we want to be on the scale from automatic to personal control? Passed

Thursday April 25, 2024 09:30 - 10:00 Room K1

Scientific Keynote Speaker: Runa T. Hellwig

Theme: Scientific Keynote Speaker

Runa T. Hellwig: Appropriate indoor environmental control - Where are we and where do we want to be on the scale from automatic to personal control?


Profile image for Runa T. Hellwig

Runa T. Hellwig Scientific Keynote Speaker

Aalborg University, Denmark

Research profile
Runa T. Hellwig, Dr., is professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. Her research interest focusses on how people perceive and interact with architectural environments, the transdisciplinary field of human building interaction. By understanding human building interaction, architectural environments can be designed, improved and operated following a human-centred approach addressing at the same time challenges as e.g. overheating in buildings, energy-efficiency or resilience of the built environment. During almost three decades of research, she has been involved in more than 50 applied research projects and services for the building industry and public authorities. Her research approaches comprise experimental work in laboratories, indoors and under real weather, monitoring as well as post-occupancy surveys. She is appointed member of the Committee of Workplaces consulting the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on work environment related occupational safety and health topics.