Inauguration and welcome speech
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria
Monday March 6, 2017 10:00 - 10:10 Main stage
Inauguration and welcome speech by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria, UN appointed Sustainable Development Goals Advocate.
Inauguration with representatives from the three founding organizations
Astrid Söderberg Widding, Karin Wanngård, Lena Ek
Monday March 6, 2017 10:10 - 10:55 Main Stage
Subject: Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Vice-Chancellor (President) of Stockholm University
Subject: Karin Wanngård, Mayor of the City of Stockholm
Subject: Lena Ek, Senior Advisor, Sustainable Seas Foundation
A common vision and understanding of the challenges faced in the Baltic Sea region
Karolina Skog, Johan Rockström, Åsa Bjering
Monday March 6, 2017 11:00 - 11:30 Main stage
Key note speakers
For a fact based worldview
Mikael Arevius, Olof Gränström
Monday March 6, 2017 11:30 - 11:50 Main stage
Key note speakers
Olof Gränström & Mikael Arevius from Gapminder talks about UN Millennium Development Goals & UN Sustainable Development Goal
Lunch, exhibition, mingle
Monday March 6, 2017 11:50 - 13:00
Public sector enablers to support sustainable growth
Jakob Granit
Monday March 6, 2017 13:00 - 13:10 Main stage
Various policies, one goal: clean Baltic waters
Monika Stankiewicz
Monday March 6, 2017 13:10 - 13:25 Main stage
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea Region
Krista Kampus
Monday March 6, 2017 13:25 - 13:35 Main stage
How local and regional management can cooperate to achieve
Restoring Waters in the Baltic Sea Region
Barbara Jackson, Fredrik Lind
Monday March 6, 2017 13:35 - 13:45 Main stage
Coffee, exhibition and mingle
Monday March 6, 2017 14:00 - 14:30
Marine habitats, biodiversity and fisheries - actions to reduce negative degredation in the Baltic Sea
Gustaf Almqvist, Markku Viitasalo, Markus Lundgren, Sofia Wikström
Monday March 6, 2017 14:30 - 15:45 1: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Sustainable management of coastal and marine biodiversity: Why is
it important and how do we get there?
Sofia Wikström, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Marine Spatial Planning in practice: How underwater inventories can
support conservation and sustainable use of the sea?
Markku Viitasalo, Finnish Environment Institute
Need for a broader ecosystem view in Baltic fisheries management
Gustaf Almqvist, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Angling – the ecosystem-based fishing industry
Markus Lundgren, Swedish Anglers Association
Panel discussions
Hazardous substances - actions to reduce pollutions to the Baltic Sea
Anna Lövsén, Britta Eklund, Lina Petersson, Magnus Brietholtz, Pekka Salminen, Tonie Wickman
Monday March 6, 2017 14:30 - 15:45 2: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Chemical contamination of the Baltic Sea in a changing society
Magnus Breitholtz, Stockholm University, ACES
Cities of Baltic Sea Countries – innovative strategies for decreasing
emissions of hazardous substances through upstream measures
Tonie Wickman, City of Stockholm
BLASTIC-project – Reducing plastic waste and, thereby, the inflow of
hazardous substances into the Baltic Sea
Pekka Salminen, City of Turku
Reduction of pharmaceutical residues in waste water at Linköping
WWTP, Nykvarnsverket
Anna Lövsén, Tekniska Verken Linköping
Minimizing discharges of toxic substances from leisure boats –
effective ways to cooperate and get results
Lina Petersson & Brita Eklund, Swedish Transport Agency & Stockholm
Eutrophication - actions to reduce nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea
Jan-Christer Carlsson, Annika Svanbäck, Dennis Wiström, Emil Rydin, Gun Lindborg, Göran Andersson, Linda Kumblad, Magnus Land, Ottilia Thoreson
Monday March 6, 2017 14:30 - 15:45 3: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Current state of research on eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
Annika Svanbäck, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
How effective are created or restored freshwater wetlands for
nitrogen and phosphorus removal?
Magnus Land, EVIEM/Stockholm Environment Institute
Municipal collaboration for effective marine environmental
monitoring in the Stockholm archipelago
Göran Andersson, Svealands Coastal Water Management Association
Innovative farmers leading the way – Baltic Sea Farmer of the
Year Award
Ottilia Thoreson, WWF & Jan-Christer Carlsson, Nackunga Farm, Hölö
Remediation of Björnöfjärden – a eutrophic bay in the Baltic Sea
Linda Kumblad & Emil Rydin, BalticSea2020
Local Actions for a Sustainable Baltic Sea (Eutrophication as a
resource): Municipality of Västervik
Gun Lindberg & Dennis Wiström, Municipality of Västervik
Panel discussions
Opportunity to ask questions
Coffee, exhibition and mingle
Monday March 6, 2017 15:45 - 16:15
The potential of law and multi-level regulation concerning the Baltic Sea environment in local contexts
Jonas Ebbesson, Maria Osbeck, Nils Höglund
Monday March 6, 2017 16:15 - 17:00 Main stage
Rights and opportunities for civil society to participate and push for effective implementation of “Baltic Sea law” Jonas Ebbesson, Stockholm University, Dept. Of Law. Complexity in Water Governance: Local Experiences of Regional Trends in the BSR.
Coffee, exhibition and mingle
Monday March 6, 2017 17:15 - 17:30
Interreg programmes in the Baltic Sea region: The role of and need for cooperation and funding in shaping the Blue Economy and connectivity of the Baltic Sea region
Ari Brozinski, Igor Kaniecki, Linda Reinholdsson, Lolita Gedo
Monday March 6, 2017 17:30 - 18:15 1: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
LNG bunkering infrastructure and cross-border competence clustering: attracting global investments to the South Baltic LNG domain
Igor Kaniecki, Interreg South Baltic Programme (Germany-Denmark-Lithuania-Poland-Sweden)
Restoration of the E40 waterway on the Dnieper-Vistula section: linking the Baltic Sea with the Black SeaLolita Gedo, Poland-Belarus-Ukraine
Öresundsmetro: sustainable cross-border commuting in the Öresund regionLinda Reinholdsson, Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (Sweden-Denmark-Norway)
In 30 minutes from Helsinki to Tallinn: railway tunnel between Finland and Estonia
Ari Brozinski, Interreg Central Europe (Finland-Sweden-Estonia-Latvia)
Innovation and cooperation for reducing negative impacts from source to sea
Fredrik Åkesson, Paula Biveson, Salla-Maria Lauttamäki
Monday March 6, 2017 17:30 - 18:15 2: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Future Proofing Stockholm’s Wastewater Treatment
Fredrik Åkesson, GE Water
The Baltic Sea Challenge: Network power for local Baltic Sea work
Salla-Maria Lauttamäki, Centrum Balticum Foundation
Enhancing innovative cooperation - symbiotic partnership network
as a way to promote nutrient cycling and mitigate eutrophication
Paula Biveson, Baltic Sea Action Group
Innovation and leadership – how the shipping industry can contribute to a sustainable Baltic Sea region
Dirk Martin, Fredrik Larsson, Monika Stankiewicz
Monday March 6, 2017 17:30 - 18:15 3: Location will be announced on site
Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
How municipalities can support sustainable shipping!
Fredrik Larsson, Sweship
MarinePaq – How to purify hazardous scrub water
Dirk Martin, MarinePaq
Panel discussion
Monika Stankiewicz (HELCOM), Fredrik Larsson and Dirk Martin
Monday March 6, 2017 18:15 - 19:10