Eutrophication - actions to reduce nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea Passed
Monday March 6, 2017 14:30 - 15:45 3: Location will be announced on site
Lecturer: Jan-Christer Carlsson
Speakers: Annika Svanbäck, Dennis Wiström, Emil Rydin, Gun Lindborg, Göran Andersson, Linda Kumblad, Magnus Land, Ottilia Thoreson
Block: Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Current state of research on eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
Annika Svanbäck, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
How effective are created or restored freshwater wetlands for
nitrogen and phosphorus removal?
Magnus Land, EVIEM/Stockholm Environment Institute
Municipal collaboration for effective marine environmental
monitoring in the Stockholm archipelago
Göran Andersson, Svealands Coastal Water Management Association
Innovative farmers leading the way – Baltic Sea Farmer of the
Year Award
Ottilia Thoreson, WWF & Jan-Christer Carlsson, Nackunga Farm, Hölö
Remediation of Björnöfjärden – a eutrophic bay in the Baltic Sea
Linda Kumblad & Emil Rydin, BalticSea2020
Local Actions for a Sustainable Baltic Sea (Eutrophication as a
resource): Municipality of Västervik
Gun Lindberg & Dennis Wiström, Municipality of Västervik
Panel discussions
Opportunity to ask questions
Annika Svanbäck Speaker
Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Dennis Wiström Speaker
Projectleader, Agronomist
Emil Rydin Speaker
Associate professor in Limnology
Associate professor in Limnology and Program manager ”For a Living Coast”
Göran Andersson Speaker
Secretary General
Secretary General, Svealands Coastal Water Management Association
Linda Kumblad Speaker
Associate professor in Marine Ecotoxiology
Associate professor in Marine Ecotoxiology and Program manager ”For a Living Coast”
Magnus Land Speaker
Research Fellow
EviEM/Stockholm Environment Institute
Research Fellow at Mistra EviEM, Stockholm Environment.