Interreg programmes in the Baltic Sea region: The role of and need for cooperation and funding in shaping the Blue Economy and connectivity of the Baltic Sea region Passed
Monday March 6, 2017 17:30 - 18:15 1: Location will be announced on site
Speakers: Ari Brozinski, Igor Kaniecki, Linda Reinholdsson, Lolita Gedo
Block: Three parallel blocks with ambitious implementation cases
Interreg 2014-2020 provides funding for cooperation projects involving stakeholders across the Baltic Sea. Why is it beneficial for you to engage? Four cooperation programmes will demonstrate how soft measures relating to the blue economy and cross-border connectivity pave the way for investments and growth. Converging expertise from different parts of the Baltic Sea Region generates a leverage effect making the efforts of individual organizations much more impactful. The session is suitable for all congress guests interested in access to funds, networks and cooperation intelligence for seizing new opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region. The session features cooperation examples that considerably advance large-infrastructure debates such as the Öresundsmetro, a railway tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn, LNG bunkering infrastructure and enlargement of the hinterland of Baltic ports through inland waterways to the East. Speakers:
Igor Kaniecki Speaker
Interreg South Baltic Programme
Linda Reinholdsson Speaker
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak Programme