Fitness for use of Anatomical Therapeutic Classification for real world data research Passed
Tuesday May 23, 2023 09:00 - 09:15 G1
Lecturers: Ines Reinecke, Yuan Peng, Elisa Henke
Track: MIE: Knowledge and Information representation and modeling
Seminar type
On site only
Level of knowledge
Ines Reinecke, Martin Sedlmayr, Yuan Peng, Elisa Henke, Franziska Bathelt
Ines Reinecke Lecturer
Research Associate
Technische Universität Dresden
As head of the Data Integration Center at Dresden University Hospital, Ines works with her team to make routine treatment data useful for medical research. She oversees the merging, processing and quality assurance of data, as well as compliance with data protection and interoperability standards. As Community Lead of OHDSI Germany, she promotes international research on real world data by building a German OHDSI research community. Ines is also a research associate at the Technical University of Dresden.
Yuan Peng Lecturer
Research associate
C. G. C. Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden
Yuan Peng is a research associate at TU Dresden. She focuses on the data harmonization and the interoperability between standards regarding FHIR and OMOP CDM. She also participate in the OHDSI Germany Community.
Elisa Henke Lecturer
Research associate
C. G. C. Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden
Elisa is a research associate at the Technische Universität Dresden. As head of the interoperability group, Elisa works with her team to establish syntactic, semantic, technical, and organizational interoperability to realize medical research between German university hospitals. In this context, Elisa is working on the harmonization of clinical and claims data into international research data repositories such as OMOP CDM to promote international research on real world data.