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MedSecurance: Advanced Security-for-safety Assurance for Medical Device IoT (MIoT)

Poster Area

Lecturer: Parisis Gallos

Track: MIE: Posters

The MedSecurance project focus on identifying new challenges in cyber security with focus on hardware and software medical devices in the context of emerging healthcare architectures. In addition, the project will review best practice and identify gaps in the guidance, particularly the guidance stipulated by the medical device regulation and directives. Finally, the project will develop comprehensive methodology and tooling for the engineering of trustworthy networks of inter-operating medical devices, that shall have security-for-safety by design, with a strategy for device certification and certifiable dynamic network composition, ensuring that patient safety is safeguarded from malicious cyber actors and technology “accidents”.



Seminar type

On site only

Level of knowledge





Parisis Gallos


Profile image for Parisis Gallos

Parisis Gallos Lecturer

Parisis Gallos

Friends call me "Paris"!