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Digitizing the Female Body: Legal and Ethical Implications in Femtech Passed

Tuesday May 23, 2023 15:30 - 16:00 F3

Lecturer: Bethany Corbin

Track: Innovation

The landscape of women's health technology (femtech) has evolved rapidly since 2016, with investment in femtech exceeding $1 billion for the first time in 2021. Designed to empower women and create data-driven health solutions unique to the female body, femtech seeks to remedy the health equity gap through digital health innovation. As femtech moves beyond reproductive health to encompass chronic care conditions like menopause and cancer, it has the ability to revolutionize healthcare delivery for individuals identifying as female. 

Anticipated to be worth $50 billion by 2025, the femtech market has experienced significant and sustained growth across Europe and the United States. As digital health companies seek to capitalize on the femtech industry and contribute to its laudable goals, it's important that they build their products and platforms with the following principles in mind: (i) accuracy, (ii) privacy and security, and (iii) scalability. A significant number of femtech products on the market today fail basic accuracy standards and do not adequately safeguard the privacy and security of users' sensitive health data. Prioritizing accuracy, privacy, and security can result in significant market advantages for digital health companies looking to innovate in women's health. 

Further, designing a femtech company that can scale internationally is of utmost importance for long-term success and revenue generation. Yet, many European femtech companies are not prepared to scale and operate in the U.S. market, which can delay growth and investment opportunities. 

This presentation provides a roadmap to the key legal and ethical challenges facing women's health companies, and offers solutions to ensure these companies build robust and internationally scalable businesses that are capable of driving long-term innovation in women's health.





Seminar type

Live broadcast

Objective of lecture

Tools for implementation

Level of knowledge


Target audience

Management/decision makers
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals


Information security




Profile image for Bethany Corbin

Bethany Corbin Lecturer

Bethany Corbin, Founder & CEO of FemInnovation, is a recognized industry expert at the intersection of law and women's health technology (femtech). She empowers pioneering femtech and healthcare innovation companies to revolutionize care delivery with well-crafted legal counsel and strategic guidance. In particular, Bethany partners with emerging femtech companies at the forefront of healthcare transformation to ensure they are building robust, scalable, and legally compliant health solutions that are ready to lead the industry. Bethany's strategic guidance has been featured in top news outlets and publications, including Fortune, Forbes, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, VICE, BBC, NPR, and more! She is also the host of the forthcoming FemInnovation podcast and the previous host of Legally Femtech.