Towards a clinically meaningful model to structure the development of interoperable order sets, applicable to the point of care in any EMR Har passerat
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 10:15 - 10:30 G1
Föreläsare: Mobin Yasini
Spår: MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation
Order sets are clinical tools that deliver guidance by providing a list of recommended orderable items which are applicable in a specific clinical context and at the point of care. We have introduced a tool that helps to create various order sets and use them in any standard EMR.
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Mobin Yasini, Dennis Rausch, Lise Marin, Ingrid HOCHHEIM, Navinder SINGH DHILLON, Michael DAHLWEID
Mobin Yasini Föreläsare
Clinical Knowledge Platform manager
Mobin YASINI is a Medical doctor who pursued his studies with a Master's degree in Public Health and a PhD in Medical Informatics at the Sorbonne University (UPMC).
He is currently in charge of the Clinical Knowledge Platform at Dedalus Group. He led the research and development activity in a French start up from 2014 to 2019.
He also taught for ten years biostatistics and medical informatics at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie).