NORDeHEALTH Summary of a Patient Survey in 4 countries Passed
Wednesday May 24, 2023 10:35 - 10:55 F2
Lecturers: Anna Kharko, Maria Hägglund
Moderator: Hanife Rexhepi
Track: Nordic focus, Eng - Northern Excellence in Online Records
Currently, most studies on patient online record access (ORA) have collected data from one country or region impeding international comparisons. The NORDeHEALTH research project, with partners from Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia, strives to evaluate the implementation of patient ORA through joint research. In 2022, we conducted a patient survey in all four countries to study patients’ opinions and experiences with the PAEHR provided through the national patient portals.
In this session, we describe the methodology for the NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey and present an overview of the data collected in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Estonia, respectively.
Seminar type
On site only
Anna Kharko Lecturer
Uppsala Universitet
Dr Kharko is a health and healthcare researcher at Uppsala University with a variety of research interests. She studies patients' and healthcare professionals' experience with electronic health records, current implementations of electronic health records, as well as the integration of AI/ML in the clinical curriculum. Dr Kharko is also part of an international team that evaluates pain interventions for chronic pain conditions through network meta-analyses. She is affiliated with the University of Plymouth, UK where she did her PhD employing psychophysiological methods to study the contribution of acute anxiety to pain perception. Find out more about her work at www.annakharko.com
Maria Hägglund LecturerOrganizer
Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer
Uppsala University
Maria Hägglund is an associate professor in health informatics and a senior lecturer in implementation science at Uppsala MedTech Science & Innovation Centre. 2019/2020 she was a Keane OpenNotes Scholar and a visiting Lecturer on Medicine at Harvard Medical School. As a member of the DOME research consortium, she has explored the impact of patients’ access to their electronic health records (including notes) through the national Swedish patient portal. She is the chair of the EFMI working group on Citizen Health Data, and chair of the MIE2023 Scientific Program Committee.
Hanife Rexhepi Moderator
Lektor i Informatik
University of Skövde
Hanife Rexhepi is a Senior Lecture in Informatics at the University of Skövde and nurse practitioner. She has conducted extensive qualitative and quantitative research related to the implementation of eHealth services and its impact on quality of care, patients and healthcare professionals (e.g, patients access to their medical records online). Rexhepi, have also several years of experience in studying information security and ethical implications of welfare technology for older people such as mobile security alarms with GPS technology.