Säkerhetsparken på Nordbygg med ett fullspäckat schema / The Construction Industry’s Safety Park premières at Nordbygg
Tisdag 23 april 2024 09:00 - 17:00
Scenprogram, Utställares aktiviteter, Nordbygg International, Säkerhetsparken
Säkerhetsparken som gjort sig känt som en mötesplats för utbildningar, möten och erfarenhetsutbyten inom arbetsmiljö, hälsa och säkerhet i byggbranschen, kommer för första gången stå som värdar för ett helt eget område på Nordbygg. /
The Safety Park, which has made itself known as a meeting place for training courses, meetings and exchanges of experiences within working environment, health and safety in the construction industry, will for the first time be hosting a whole area of their own at Nordbygg. Klicka på mer information för att se monteraktiviteterna.
Säkerhetsparken finner ni i monter B13:10
Are buildings with low humidity really healthy buildings?
Prof. Pawel Wargocki
Tisdag 23 april 2024 12:00 - 12:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
It is obvious that high humidity levels in buildings should be avoided, among others, to reduce the risk of mold. But what about the low levels? It is recommended to reduce pollution sources, ventilate, and keep buildings dry to reach a high level of air quality. But how low is acceptable? Thermal comfort requirements define the range of relative humidity between 30% to 70%, whereas 40% to 60% is recommended concerning health risk and infection control. EN Standard 16798 defines the level for humidification to be when relative humidity is between 20% and 30%, depending on the building category. What, then, is the right low relative humidity level, and what is the dry air? This short talk will attempt to answer these questions by briefly summarizing the research evidence and discussing different humidification solutions. A tentative acceptable level of low relative humidity will be proposed. Ph.D., Prof. Pawel Wargocki ISIAQ Fellow, ASHRAE Fellow, REHVA Fellow International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering, DTU SUSTAIN Technical University of Denmark
What IAQ do we want to achieve in buildings? What is realistic and what is ideal?
Prof. Pawel Wargocki
Tisdag 23 april 2024 12:40 - 13:00
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
The debate on what indoor air quality is concerning pollutants and levels has been going on for decades. Despite the growing research evidence and understanding, no ultimate decisions have been made. Today, high IAQ is understood as low levels of CO2 and high ventilation. Is this all we can do today? Is it at all sufficient? What changes are needed to secure high indoor air quality further in a short time frame, and what would be the ideal scenario? A few elements are needed to achieve that goal, including, among others, high quality of outdoor air, supporting regulations across different disciplines, particularly those related to energy use and sustainability, the rating scheme for IAQ, the change of ventilation standards with the higher acknowledgment of a need of efficient air distribution, occupants in control but reasonable and not complete, and promoting health in connection to indoor air quality and not only avoiding the associated risks. These few actions are expected to make a significant change and lead to cutting-edge innovations. This talk will provide arguments to support this change.
Interview with Keynote Speakers of RoomVent 2024: Dr. Paula Olsiewski, PhD and Professor Angui Li PhD
Tisdag 23 april 2024 13:00 - 13:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Läs mer om Dr Paula Olsiewski här
Keynote on Business Opportunities in the Stockholm Business Region by Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO of Stockholmsmässan
Staffan Ingvarsson
Tisdag 23 april 2024 13:00 - 13:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
Until 2040, €115 billion will be invested in infrastructure and construction projects in the Stockholm Business Region, shows a new report commissioned by the city of Stockholm. Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO of Stockholm International Fairs, gives a warm welcome to all international guests and provides an insight into key projects for the city and region in the upcoming years.
International outlook on circular construction economy - Dutch architect Menno Rubbens proclaimed 'Circular Hero' shares his insights
Menno Rubbens
Tisdag 23 april 2024 13:30 - 13:55
Scenprogram, Arkitektur, Hållbarhet, Nordbygg International, Byggmaterialscenen
Menno has been a design-driven project developer and director of cepezedprojects since 2000. Circularity plays a leading role in every project of cepezedprojects. For his contribution to the transition to a circular construction economy, he was proclaimed 'Circular Hero' in 2022. In addition, Menno participates in various platforms, including the Circular Construction Economy Transition Team, which aims to transform construction into a fully circular industry.
Panel discussion: How can we accelerate the housing construction in Sweden and what can international companies bring to the table?
Jan Styliński, Konrad Szczesny, Sofia Hansdotter, Monica Enqvist
Tisdag 23 april 2024 13:30 - 13:50
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
The housing construction industry in Sweden undergoes one of the biggest crises in recent history. At the same time, demand for new housing is huge and reports show that once the pace picks up, projects will be aplenty. How can the industry keep up the pace and what could international companies with know-how from their home markets bring to the table?
Robin and Menno on the future of circular architecture
Menno Rubbens, Robin Al-Sálehi
Tisdag 23 april 2024 14:00 - 14:25
Scenprogram, Arkitektur, Nordbygg International, Byggmaterialscenen
Join Dutch circular hero and architect Menno Rubbens together with front figure of Swedens Save The Building "Krama Byggnaden" campaign and one of several projekt leaders of the state-funded research projects "Återhus - att bygga hus av hus" Robin Rushdi Al-Sálehi in an intense discussion about the future of circular urban planning. A future where reuse is the new normal and recycling the last resort. With starting point in their own reuse projects they guide us through todays most prominent and ambitious ideas, compare their different markets and share their experience and the passion for circularity as the core of architecture.
The Swedish Construction Industry – legal framework and practical insights
Fredrik Berg, Georgios Eleftheriadis, Leo Wallin, Sarah Vesterlund
Tisdag 23 april 2024 14:00 - 14:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
The session discusses the most important features of the regulatory framework and gives practical insights into what international companies should know in order to get succesful on the Swedish market. It includes and introduction to the legal framework, insights into construction material registration and a quick look on Swedish business culture
Mouth blown sheet glass & contemporary interior architecture – Manufacturing, Processing and use. Project: Biomedicum Solna, Sweden
Christian Baierl
Tisdag 23 april 2024 14:30 - 14:55
Scenprogram, Arkitektur, Nordbygg International, Byggmaterialscenen
The art of producing hand-blown flat glass has become a rare craft. In Lamberts glassworks, founded in 1906, the glassmakers have preserved and perfected these traditional production methods. With 70 employees and an export rate of over 75 percent, the medium-sized company from Northern Bavaria is Germany's only manufacturer and at the same time the world market leader. The main products are the hand-blown window glass and more than 5000 different colored glasses. A particular specialty are the two- or multi-colored overlaid glasses, which are complex to produce. Hand-cast Dall and table cathedral glass complete the special offer.
Panel discussion: Challenges and solutions in sustainable and digital construction
Abdoel Achalhi, Konrad Szczesny, Markus Magnell, Sofia Johansson
Tisdag 23 april 2024 14:30 - 14:50
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
With ambitious sustainabilty goals at the top of the agenda the need for efficient energy solutions in building and construction are a must. The panel features experts in the fields of proptech and contech in Sweden and Europe, an industry that has shown immense growth over the last decade. Nevertheless, there is so much more to be done.
The importance of commissioning process incomplex hybrid systems
Simo Kilpeläinen
Tisdag 23 april 2024 15:20 - 15:40
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Rising energy costs and climate awareness have increased the popularity of hybrid heating systems in Finland during recent years. These systems – when operating according to design – can significantly cut both energy costs and emissions. However, this may often not be the case in reality. Lack of proper commissioning was identified as one of the potential causes for challenges in the operation of hybrid heating systems. Key personnel from eight field sites comprising e.g. schools, shopping malls and apartment houses were interviewed to find out potential deficiencies in the commissioning process. The results from these interviews were then compared to identify common themes, and based on these, suggestions to improve the situation in the future were made. Some of the key findings include that in Finland, a designated commissioning provider is often not appointed to the projects, and the commissioning process mainly concerns the testing and handover phases.
Säkerhetsparken på Nordbygg med ett fullspäckat schema / The Construction Industry’s Safety Park premières at Nordbygg
Onsdag 24 april 2024 09:00 - 17:00
Scenprogram, Utställares aktiviteter, Nordbygg International, Säkerhetsparken
Säkerhetsparken som gjort sig känt som en mötesplats för utbildningar, möten och erfarenhetsutbyten inom arbetsmiljö, hälsa och säkerhet i byggbranschen, kommer för första gången stå som värdar för ett helt eget område på Nordbygg. /The Safety Park, which has made itself known as a meeting place for training courses, meetings and exchanges of experiences within working environment, health and safety in the construction industry, will for the first time be hosting a whole area of their own at Nordbygg. Säkerhetsparken finner ni i monter B13:10
Comfort and energy performance of radiant heating/cooling systems
Bjarne W Olesen
Onsdag 24 april 2024 12:20 - 12:40
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
A HVAC system is installed to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment at a low carbon emission. It is not only a question about energy efficiency; but also on how effective a system can use renewable energy when available. Large surface radiant heating and cooling systems are using water temperatures close to the desired room temperature both for heating and cooling. Therefore the system is capable of any type of energy source (district heating/cooling, water pumps, ground source systems) with a high efficiency.
International outlook on circular construction economy - Dutch architect Menno Rubbens proclaimed 'Circular Hero' shares his insights
Menno Rubbens, Tove Dumon Wallsten
Onsdag 24 april 2024 12:30 - 12:50
Scenprogram, Arkitektur, Hållbarhet, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
Menno has been a design-driven project developer and director of cepezedprojects since 2000. Circularity plays a leading role in every project of cepezedprojects. For his contribution to the transition to a circular construction economy, he was proclaimed 'Circular Hero' in 2022. In addition, Menno participates in various platforms, including the Circular Construction Economy Transition Team, which aims to transform construction into a fully circular industry.
Future room ventilation: focus on controlled clean air distribution
Prof. Arsen Krikor Melikov
Onsdag 24 april 2024 12:40 - 13:00
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Ventilation based on total volume air distribution in spaces is not always an efficient way to provide occupants with high air for breathing at low-energy consumption. This talk justifies the need for improving the present air distribution design in spaces, and in general the need for a paradigm shift from the design of present ventilation methods to design of advanced ventilation focused on control of supplied air distribution providing each occupant with clean air for breathing. Examples of advanced air distribution solutions in spaces for different use, such as offices, hospital rooms, vehicle compartments, etc. are presented. The potential of controlled air distribution for improving health and comfort of ach occupant at reduced energy consumption is demonstrated. Design criteria are defined and further development is outlined.
Interview with keynote speaker of RoomVent 2024: Professor Runa T. Hellwig and Dr. Andrew Persily
Onsdag 24 april 2024 13:00 - 13:20
Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Read more about Professor Runa T. Hellwig and Dr. Andrew Persily, "more information".
Mouth blown sheet glass & contemporary interior architecture – Manufacturing, Processing and use. Project: Biomedicum Solna, Sweden
Christian Baierl
Onsdag 24 april 2024 15:30 - 15:55
Scenprogram, Arkitektur, Nordbygg International, Nordbygg Live/Nya ögon på trä
The art of producing hand-blown flat glass has become a rare craft. In Lamberts glassworks, founded in 1906, the glassmakers have preserved and perfected these traditional production methods. With 70 employees and an export rate of over 75 percent, the medium-sized company from Northern Bavaria is Germany's only manufacturer and at the same time the world market leader. The main products are the hand-blown window glass and more than 5000 different colored glasses. A particular specialty are the two- or multi-colored overlaid glasses, which are complex to produce. Hand-cast Dall and table cathedral glass complete the special offer.
Säkerhetsparken på Nordbygg med ett fullspäckat schema / The Construction Industry’s Safety Park premières at Nordbygg
Torsdag 25 april 2024 09:00 - 18:00
Utställares aktiviteter, Scenprogram, Nordbygg International, Säkerhetsparken
Säkerhetsparken som gjort sig känt som en mötesplats för utbildningar, möten och erfarenhetsutbyten inom arbetsmiljö, hälsa och säkerhet i byggbranschen, kommer för första gången stå som värdar för ett helt eget område på Nordbygg. /
The Safety Park, which has made itself known as a meeting place for training courses, meetings and exchanges of experiences within working environment, health and safety in the construction industry, will for the first time be hosting a whole area of their own at Nordbygg. Klicka på mer information för att se monteraktiviteterna.
Säkerhetsparken finner ni i monter B13:10
A Key for a sustainable building and Enhanced IAQ
Timo Schreck
Torsdag 25 april 2024 09:40 - 10:00
Scenprogram, Energi, Hållbarhet, Nordbygg International, Inneklimatscenen
Delve into sustainable building practices and enhanced IAQ, focusing on the pivotal role of energy-efficient HVAC systems.Explore strategic investment opportunities to maximize impact, considering Europe's substantial annual investments in building energy efficiency measures. Gain valuable insights into HVAC's significant contribution to building energy consumption and its indispensable role in ensuring IAQ in both new constructions and renovations. Understand the real costs of air handling units throughout their lifecycle and the importance of seeking certified performances for informed decision-making. Don't miss this opportunity to discover how sustainable building practices and energy-efficient HVAC solutions can drive long-term benefits for your business and the environment.