What IAQ do we want to achieve in buildings? What is realistic and what is ideal? Har passerat
Tisdag 23 april 2024 12:40 - 13:00
Talare: Prof. Pawel Wargocki
Kategori: Scenprogram
The debate on what indoor air quality is concerning pollutants and levels has been going on for decades. Despite the growing research evidence and understanding, no ultimate decisions have been made. Today, high IAQ is understood as low levels of CO2 and high ventilation. Is this all we can do today? Is it at all sufficient? What changes are needed to secure high indoor air quality further in a short time frame, and what would be the ideal scenario? A few elements are needed to achieve that goal, including, among others, high quality of outdoor air, supporting regulations across different disciplines, particularly those related to energy use and sustainability, the rating scheme for IAQ, the change of ventilation standards with the higher acknowledgment of a need of efficient air distribution, occupants in control but reasonable and not complete, and promoting health in connection to indoor air quality and not only avoiding the associated risks. These few actions are expected to make a significant change and lead to cutting-edge innovations. This talk will provide arguments to support this change.
Nordbygg International
Prof. Pawel Wargocki Talare
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering, DTU Sustain Technical University of Denmark