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Profilbild för Keynote on Business Opportunities in the Stockholm Business Region by Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO of Stockholmsmässan

Keynote on Business Opportunities in the Stockholm Business Region by Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO of Stockholmsmässan Har passerat

Tisdag 23 april 2024 13:00 - 13:20

Talare: Staffan Ingvarsson

Kategori: Scenprogram

Until 2040, €115 billion will be invested in infrastructure and construction projects in the Stockholm Business Region, shows a new report commissioned by the city of Stockholm. Staffan Ingvarsson, CEO of Stockholm International Fairs, gives a warm welcome to all international guests and provides an insight into key projects for the city and region in the upcoming years.


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Profilbild för Staffan Ingvarsson

Staffan Ingvarsson Talare

Stockholm International Fairs