Medicine robot services in health care and care: contribution to the green transition
Tuesday May 20, 2025 16:00 - 16:30 F2
Lecturers: Bengt Andersson, Helinä Melkas
Track: Future Health and Care
Distance spanning solutions in healthcare and social care are rapidly increasing in all the Nordic countries. Healthcare and care are offered in people’s homes based on their own needs. Digitalisation and remote service solutions are important prerequisites for maintaining the quality of the Nordic welfare model. But what are the sustainability impacts of these services?
Digital solutions in health care and care represent a promising avenue for improving service accessibility for citizens and enhancing sustainability. Digitalisation is viewed as one way of mitigating the negative environmental impacts of health care and care production. However, practical tools are needed in order to comprehensively assess the impacts of digitalisation in this field.
This presentation focus on medicine robot services and the content is also presented in the Nordic report “Distance spanning solutions in health care and care: Climate impacts and sustainability synergies” that was published in November 2024 by Nordic Welfare Centre. Medicine robot services in health care and care: Contribution to the green transition introduces a novel methodology to assess the environmental – especially the climate impacts and social impacts of digital healthcare and care services.
Future Health and Care
Seminar type
Live + On site
Lecture type
Objective of lecture
Level of knowledge
Target audience
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Purchasers/acquisitions/eco nomy/HR
Patient/user organizations
Welfare development
Bengt Andersson Lecturer
Nordic Welfare Centre
Bengt Andersson is a senior advisor Welfare Technology at Nordic Welfare Centre. He has long experience of digital transformation in public sector and has been working with national Swedish programs on authority level and as a management consultant in private sector. In the Nordic project Integrated Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions Bengt and Nordic Welfare Centre had the responsibility of specific activities towards the target group municipalities and digitalisation in social services.
Helinä Melkas Lecturer
LUT University, Finland
Helinä Melkas is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management, especially Service Innovations, at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, School of Engineering Science, Finland, and Professor II at Centre for E-health, University of Agder, Norway. Her research interest is in digitalisation, health and welfare technology, impact assessment and innovation management. She is actively involved in the Nordic Research Network on Health and Welfare Technology.