Profilbild för Bengt Andersson

Bengt Andersson Föreläsare

Nordic Welfare Centre

Föreläsare för

Medicine robot services in health care and care: contribution to the green transition

Tisdag 20 maj 2025 16:00 - 16:30 F2

Bengt Andersson is a senior advisor Welfare Technology at Nordic Welfare Centre. He has long experience of digital transformation in public sector and has been working with national Swedish programs on authority level and as a management consultant in private sector. In the Nordic project Integrated Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions Bengt and Nordic Welfare Centre had the responsibility of specific activities towards the target group municipalities and digitalisation in social services.

Workshop leader för

Workshop; Governance – for successful integrated healthcare and care with distance spanning solutions

Tisdag 20 maj 2025 10:15 - 11:45 J2

Bengt Andersson is a senior advisor Welfare Technology at Nordic Welfare Centre. He has long experience of digital transformation in public sector and has been working with national Swedish programs on authority level and as a management consultant in private sector. In the Nordic project Integrated Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions Bengt and Nordic Welfare Centre had the responsibility of specific activities towards the target group municipalities and digitalisation in social services.